1545 search results for symfony bundle

Token Types The ApiToken Entity

... JWTs and there's a great bundle for them called LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle. JWT's are also the type of access token that OpenID gives you in the end. Instead of JWTs, the second main option is dead simple: generate a ...

The Dashboard Page

... up... hmm, there's not much here! But check out the extends: ea.templatePath('layout'). If you look in the views/ directory of the bundle itself, this is a fancy way of extending layout.html.twig. And this is a great way ...

Async/Dynamic import

... can be used inside any JavaScript file: it has nothing to do with Stimulus. I'll show that one first. But in the next video, we're going to learn about a trick that's special to Stimulus and Symfony... a trick that I'm ...

Production Secrets

... specifically ignoring this: This line was added when we updated the symfony/framework-bundle recipe. Anyways, just like with the dev vault, we can list the secrets: php bin/console ...

Flysystem S3

... library for interacting with any AWS service, and it has nothing to do with Symfony or Flysystem. Copy the example configuration. Our first job is to register a service for this S3Client class that comes from that library ...

Saving Entities

... database. You're the best! How do we do this? In the last Symfony tutorial, we talked about how the main thing that a bundle gives us is more services. DoctrineBundle gives us one, very important service that's used for ...

Allowing Entire Services to be Overridden

... user to override that class entirely. Check this out: in the bundle, create a new class called KnpUWordProvider. Give it a public function called getWordList() that will return an array. Back in KnpUIpsum, steal the big ...

Final config Migration

... the dev environment. How can we have dev-specific parameters or services in Flex? By creating a new services_dev.yaml file. Copy the parameter, remove it and paste it here. Symfony will automatically load this file in ...

Customizing the Menu

... to this bundle: it's just a nice way to organize any configuration. In fact, this trick will become the standard way to organize things in Symfony 4. Right now, well, our admin configuration goes from line 81 of ...

composer updated symfony to 4.4.13 , so far i'm unable to install ago bundle and antishov so how can i downgrade to the version of the source code ? here is the error Problem 1 - Conclusion: don't install antishov ...
... ", "symfony/console": "5.0.*", "symfony/dotenv": "5.0.*", "symfony/flex": "^1.3.1", "symfony/framework-bundle": "5.0.*", "symfony/yaml": "5.0.*" }, "require-dev ...
... /symfony/blob/5.x/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle/KernelBrowser.php#L144-L157 This means that the *second* request will use a *different* container than your test. And this means that, inside your API code in that ...
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Swiftmailer Spooling and Handling Failures

... task that handles these failures by trying them once more, then deleting them finally. Let’s start with the skeleton for the command: namespace KnpU\QADayBundle\Command; use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Command ...

Leverage the power of Symfony components within ApiPlatform

Hello! Welcome to my talk about leveraging the power of Symfony within API Platform. So first thing first I'm going to introduce myself. So I'm Antoine Bluchet also known as soyuka online. And I'm core contributor to ...

SameSite Cookies CSRF Attacks

... automatically. And if you Google for "dunglas csrf", you'll find a bundle called DunglasAngularCsrfBundle which helps generate and use CSRF tokens in your API. Yea, the name says "Angular", but it works with anything. The downside ...

... previously run composer require symfony/webpack-encore-bundle so that shouldn't be it. Also ran npm install encore just to be sure and am still getting the same issue. ` root@2236ca7d93cd:/var/www/symfony_docker# npm run ...
... since that would, again, be associated with 2 fields on "companies"? PHP 8.1, Symfony 6.1, API Platform 2.8, doctrine-bundle 2.7, MySQL 8.0.26 I'm using uuid_binary in this case, because it's a Type 4 UUID. I'm aware of ...
... up with a CQRS implementation of some request lifecycles that get back a response with the user using mercure bundle. We also used API-Platform to fetch collections of the result of the command and events, with a ...
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... can update the profile of any user. What I have done so far. 1. Created a list of users with an edit link (mydomain/admin/user/5/edit). 2. Created my own bundle and defined FOSUserBundle as its parent. 3. Copied the ...
Hey Gunnar! This is a tricky topic. FOSUserBundle is something that I hope we can make "obsolete" in the Symfony world (by creating other, smaller tools). It gives you great functionality quickly, but it makes so many ...
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