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Flysystem & S3

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With our key & secret in hand, and this unescapable feeling of power that they're giving us, let's hook up Flysystem to use an S3 adapter. Oh, first, go check on that library we were installing. Done! This is a PHP library for interacting with any AWS service, and it has nothing to do with Symfony or Flysystem. Copy the example configuration. Our first job is to register a service for this S3Client class that comes from that library.

Registering the S3Client Service

Let's close all these tabs so we can concentrate. Open config/services.yaml and, at the bottom, paste that config! But I'm going to simplify this: copy the class name, remove it, and paste that as the service id. Why? First, because, when possible, it's just easier to use the class name as the service id instead of inventing a string id. And second, this will allow us to autowire the S3Client service into any of our services or controllers. We won't need that for what we're doing, but it's nice.

62 lines | config/services.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 53
version: '2006-03-01' # or 'latest'
region: "region-id" # 'eu-central-1' for example
key: "s3-key"
secret: "s3-secret"

This takes just one argument: a big array of config. This old looking API version is actually still the most recent. For region, this depends on what region you chose for your bucket. Mine is us-east-1 because I selected Virginia. If you selected a different region, it won't work. Kidding! Just do some Googling to find the right region id.

What about the key and secret? These are the values IAM gave us after creating the user. But, we probably don't want to put their values right here and commit them to the repository. Instead, open the .env file and, inside of the custom vars section we created in a previous tutorial, let's invent two new environment variables AWS_S3_ACCESS_ID and AWS_S3_ACCESS_SECRET.

38 lines | .env
// ... lines 1 - 32
// ... lines 35 - 38

If you want, you could copy the values and put them directly into this file. But remember, the .env file is committed to your git repository... and you really don't want any secret value to be committed. Instead, create a new file at the root of your app called .env.local. This file is also read by Symfony and any values will override the ones in .env. It's also ignored from git via our .gitignore file.

Copy the two keys from .env and paste them here. And now we can grab the real values. Copy the id, paste, then show the secret, copy, and paste that.

Environment variables, set! To use them, head back to services.yaml. Replace the key with the special environment variable syntax: %env()% and inside, AW... go copy the name - AWS_S3_ACCESS_ID. Re-use that syntax for the secret: AWS_S3_ACCESS_SECRET.

62 lines | config/services.yaml
// ... lines 1 - 53
version: '2006-03-01'
region: 'us-east-1'
key: '%env(AWS_S3_ACCESS_ID)%'
secret: '%env(AWS_S3_ACCESS_SECRET)%'

If you forget about Flysystem for a minute, we now have a fully functional S3Client service that we an autowire and use to do anything with our new bucket! The question now is: how can we tell Flysystem to use this?

The Flysystem AWS-S3-V3 Adapter

Go back to the OneupFlysystemBundle docs. Ok, so once the service is set up, we apparently need to go into the actual config for this bundle and change to a new adapter: awss3v3.

But to use that... hmm... it's not too obvious on this page. Go back to the Flysystem docs about S3 and scroll up. Here we go: the Flysystem S3 adapter is its own separate package. Copy this line, find your terminal and paste:

composer require "league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3:^1.0"

Once that finishes... there. Now we can use this awss3v3 adapter. Open up config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yaml. Remove all that local config. Replace it with awss3v3:. The first sub-key this needs is: client, which points to the service id for the S3Client.

19 lines | config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yaml
// ... line 1
// ... lines 6 - 19

Add client:, copy the service id, and paste.

19 lines | config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yaml
// ... line 1
client: Aws\S3\S3Client
// ... lines 7 - 19

The adapter also needs to know what S3 bucket it should be talking to. This is also something that you might not want to commit to your repository, because production will probably use a different bucket than when you're developing locally. So, back in our trusty .env file, add a third environment variable AWS_S3_ACCESS_BUCKET... well, I could just call this AWS_S3_BUCKET... I didn't really mean to keep that ACCESS part in there. But, no problem.

39 lines | .env
// ... lines 1 - 34
// ... lines 36 - 39

Just like before, copy that, duplicate it in .env.local and give it a real value, which... if you go back to S3, is sfcasts-spacebar. Paste that.

Finally, copy the new variable's name, open oneup_flysystem.yaml, and set bucket to %env(AWS_S3_ACCESS_BUCKET)%.

19 lines | config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yaml
// ... line 1
client: Aws\S3\S3Client
bucket: '%env(AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME)%'
// ... lines 8 - 19

That's it! What about the private_uploads_adapter? Well, temporarily, copy the config from the public adapter and paste it exactly down there. We're actually not going to need two filesystems anymore... but we'll talk about that soon.

19 lines | config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yaml
// ... line 1
client: Aws\S3\S3Client
bucket: '%env(AWS_S3_BUCKET_NAME)%'
// ... lines 8 - 19

Oh, and don't forget the % sign at the end of the %env()% syntax! I did do that correctly in services.yaml.

Ok, I think we're ready! Both filesystems will use an awss3v3 adapter and each of those knows to us the S3Client service that's reading our key and secret. So... it should... just kinda work! The easiest way to find out is to reload the fixtures:

php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

And yes, I do recommend using S3 when developing locally if that's what you're using on production. You could change the adapter to be the local adapter, but the less differences you have between your local environment & production, the better.

Fixtures done! Go and refresh the S3 page. Hey! We have an article_image directory and it's full of images! I think it worked! Go the homepage and... nothing works. That's because our paths are all still pointing at the local server - not at S3. Let's fix that next!