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Undoing Action Commands


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There we were... in the middle of a fierce battle and... uh, what's that? We lost? No way! Our opponent got super lucky. Surely there's a way to undo that operation and try again, right? There is - with the command pattern. Our commands only need to remember some state about the things that need to be reverted. In our case, we want to undo the last turn's actions if the player lost, so they get a second chance to play better and win the battle. Let's do this!

The first thing we need to do is add a new method to ActionCommandInterface. Open that up and, below execute(), write public function undo(); with no arguments.

// ... lines 1 - 4
interface ActionCommandInterface
// ... lines 7 - 8
public function undo(): void;

Next, we need to implement it in all of our commands. Let's start with AttackCommand. Open that and, up here at the top, we can see that PHPStorm is already mad at us because it's missing the undo() method. To implement that, click on the interface and press "Ctrl" + "Enter". Select "Add method stubs", and since the undo() method is already selected, we can just press "Enter". At the bottom, we can see that our method was added. We can leave our "TODO" comment here for now because we still need to figure out what data the command needs to remember.

Hold "command" and click on the attack() method to go to the definition. Here, we can see that it consumes some stamina and calculates the attack's damage. That means we need to remember the player's stamina prior to an attack as well as the damage dealt. But, down here, you can see that we're sending the opposing player damage with receiveAttack(). So the value we're really after is the $damageDealt variable. Let's go to the top of this class and add those properties: private int $damageDealt and private int $stamina.

54 lines | src/ActionCommand/AttackCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class AttackCommand implements ActionCommandInterface
private int $damageDealt;
private int $stamina;
// ... lines 13 - 52

Inside execute(), before the player attacks, write $this->stamina = $this->player->getStamina(), and down here, write $this->damageDealt = $damageDealt. Perfect!

54 lines | src/ActionCommand/AttackCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 20
public function execute(): void
// The stamina needs to be "remembered" before performing the attack
$this->stamina = $this->player->getStamina();
// ... lines 25 - 34
$damageDealt = $this->opponent->receiveAttack($damage);
$this->damageDealt = $damageDealt;
// ... lines 37 - 42
// ... lines 44 - 54

When we undo an attack, we also need to restore the opponent's health. To do that, write $this->opponent->setHealth($this->opponent->getCurrentHealth() + $this->damageDealt). Now, we need to restore the player's stamina, write $this->player->setStamina($this->stamina). Oh, and we almost forgot to revert the fightResultSet! We don't want to report incorrect data. To revert the damage dealt, write $this->fightResultSet->of($this->player)->removeDamageDealt($this->damageDealt). And to revert damage received by the opponent, write $this->fightResultSet->of($this->opponent)->removeDamageReceived($this->damageDealt);. Great! This class is ready. Let's keep going!

54 lines | src/ActionCommand/AttackCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 44
public function undo(): void
$this->opponent->setHealth($this->opponent->getCurrentHealth() + $this->damageDealt);
// ... lines 53 - 54

Open HealCommand, and we'll do the same thing here - add the undo() method, click on the name of the interface, and press "Ctrl" + "Enter" and add the stub. Now we can decide what data we need to remember. This command is simpler - it just changes the player's health and stamina - so let's store their starting values. At the top of the class, add both properties: private int $currentHealth and private int $stamina.

41 lines | src/ActionCommand/HealCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class HealCommand implements ActionCommandInterface
private int $currentHealth;
private int $stamina;
// ... lines 13 - 40

Next, inside execute(), before healing the player, let's save their current health with $this->currentHealth = $this->player->getCurrentHealth(). We'll do the same for stamina - $this->stamina = $this->player->getStamina().

41 lines | src/ActionCommand/HealCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 17
public function execute(): void
$this->stamina = $this->player->getStamina();
$this->currentHealth = $this->player->getCurrentHealth();
// ... lines 22 - 33
// ... lines 35 - 41

Now we can implement the undo() method. We only need to revert those two player properties, so write $this->player->setHealth($this->currentHealth) and $this->player->setStamina($this->stamina). Another command done! Nice!

41 lines | src/ActionCommand/HealCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 35
public function undo(): void

Finally, open SurrenderCommand and do this one more time - add the undo() method, and hit "Ctrl" + "Enter". We can leave this method empty because it would be silly to revert a surrender action.

26 lines | src/ActionCommand/SurrenderCommand.php
// ... lines 1 - 7
class SurrenderCommand implements ActionCommandInterface
// ... lines 10 - 20
public function undo(): void
// Nothing to undo

All right! It's time to ask the player if they want to revert the last action in case of defeat. I'll close a few files and go back to GameApplication. Find the AI's turn, and inside this if() where we check if the player died, write $undoChoice = GameApplication::$printer->confirm(). The question will read:

You've lost! Do you want to undo your last turn?.

If the answer is "no", we need to end the battle and exit, so I'll move these two lines inside the if.

207 lines | src/GameApplication.php
// ... lines 1 - 12
class GameApplication
// ... lines 15 - 26
public function play(Character $player, Character $ai, FightResultSet $fightResultSet): void
while (true) {
// ... lines 30 - 59
if ($this->didPlayerDie($player)) {
$undoChoice = GameApplication::$printer->confirm('You died! Do you want to undo your last turn?');
if (!$undoChoice) {
$this->endBattle($fightResultSet, $ai, $player);
// ... lines 66 - 69
// ... lines 71 - 73
// ... lines 76 - 205

If the answer is "yes", we undo actions from the last turn, which means that we need to call undo() on the command objects. But we can't just undo these commands in any order. We need to undo them in the reverse order that they were executed... or weird things could happen. This is basically a "FILO" stack - "First In, Last Out".

207 lines | src/GameApplication.php
// ... lines 1 - 26
public function play(Character $player, Character $ai, FightResultSet $fightResultSet): void
while (true) {
// ... lines 30 - 59
if ($this->didPlayerDie($player)) {
// ... lines 61 - 66
// These have to be undone in the order they were executed
// ... lines 71 - 73
// ... lines 76 - 207

Anyway, let's undo the AI's attack first with $aiAttackCommand->undo(). Then we'll undo the player's action - $playerAction->undo(). Awesome! Now we can give this a try. Spin over to your terminal and run:

php bin/console app:game:play

We'll be an archer this time, and we'll try to lose the battle. Maybe we start off by healing, and then we'll attack until we hopefully lose. And... yes! We lost! Now it's asking if we would like to undo our last turn. Say "yes" or press "Enter" and... the game continued! That's a good sign! But to be absolutely certain that this is working the way it should, let's compare the amount of health we have now to the amount we had one turn ago.

Okay, right now we have "9/50" and the AI has "50/60". One turn ago, which was round two, we had "9/50" and the AI had "50/60". The AI and our character have the same amount health in both rounds, so this is working as expected! Nice! And if we say "no" this time just to see if the battle concludes... yes! The battle ended and we lost!

Queuing Command Actions

Thanks to the Command pattern, we were able to revert actions with ease. But that's not the only thing the Command pattern can do for us. We can also use it to put our actions in a queue and execute them whenever we want.

Suppose we want to replay our battles and watch everything play out again. We could store all of the commands that happened in a battle somewhere, like a list, database, or any other storage mechanism. Then, we grab the list and execute them one by one. While that would be super fun to work on, we have more patterns to cover! But before we move onto the next one, let's figure out where and how Symfony leverages the Command pattern. That's next.