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State in the Real World


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Okay, it's time to see the State pattern in the real world - our IDE. Open up GameApplication, and select the play() method. If we try to refactor it, we can see that most of the options are enabled. Hm... If we try to refactor a property instead... more of the options are disabled - we can't change the signature or make it static. Why? The options available are based on what's selected in the IDE. Sound familiar? In this case, the IDE is the context, and selecting something is basically an "event" or "action" that makes the IDE change its internal state.

Another place we can see the State pattern at work is in the Symfony Workflow component. This component allows us to easily create state machines. If we take a look at the documentation, we can see a few examples. The one I like is the "pull request" feature. Here, we can see all of the possible states that a pull request can be in, how to transition from one state into another, and what events are executed along the way. If it's in the "test" state, for instance, and there's an "update" event, it stays in the same state. But, if there's a "wait_for_review" event, it transitions to the "review" state. Pretty cool, right? And the best part is, we can configure our state machines using YAML! The next time you need to implement a state machine, I highly recommend you try Symfony Workflow. It's a pretty fun component to work with.

State vs. Strategy

Did you know that the State and Strategy patterns share the same design? The only structural difference is that state objects may have a reference to other states. So... if both patterns have the same design, why does it matter which one we use? Won't we get the same result either way? Not exactly. The most important difference between each pattern is the purpose behind them. The State pattern allows us to change behavior based on the internal state of an object. The Strategy pattern allows us to choose from a family of algorithms, regardless of the state of the system.

Here's an excellent analogy from Eugene Kovko and Michal Aibin:

A car can be in different states. The engine can be on, and the engine can be off. The battery can be dead. The tank can be empty, and so on. In all of these states, the car will behave differently. However, a driver can access the car’s interface: steering wheel, pedals, gears, etc. These are the states, and the entire behavior can be considered a combination of the conditions. All the states would provide a distinct behavior [...]

This is the State pattern in action. But, if we change the engine to use gas or diesel, it does not change the state of the car it only changes how an internal element of the system works. That's the Strategy pattern.


Okay, that's the State pattern in a nutshell. Let's go over some of the pros and cons:

✅ First, the State pattern allows your objects to change behavior when their internal state changes, and it can even hide what state the object is in. ✅ It's also a great way to avoid using big if-else blocks. ✅ And finally, it leverages SRP and the Open/Close principle.

However, it may be overkill for simple cases ❌ and it may introduce a significant number of classes.

Up next: We'll take a look at the last pattern in this series - the Factory pattern!