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Handling Difficulties with the State Pattern


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How are difficulty levels handled in our application? Open up GameCommand and, inside the play() method, find the part where we check the outcome of the match. If the player wins, we call victory() on the game object, otherwise we call defeat(). Let's check out the victory() method. Hold "Command", click, and... oh! It's just a shortcut for calling victory() on this difficultyContext property. That's an instance of the GameDifficultyContext class, and it's in charge of managing the difficulty levels.

Hold "Command" and click on the victory() method again and... aha - some real code. Here's a switch-case statement for increasing the difficulty level based on the current level, as well as some conditions. For example, to move from difficulty level 1 to 2, the player level must be at least 2 or they have to have won two fights. Then it makes the game harder by increasing some of the enemy's stats. But, to keep it fair and fun, it also increases the player's XP bonus. Difficulty level 2 is pretty similar, but the conditions are just harder to meet. And for level 3, we have some randomness where we roll a 20-sided die and, depending on the outcome, may apply some bonuses. Sweet! Below that, we have the defeat() method, which is the opposite of victory(). If the player loses, there's a chance the difficulty level will decrease, and if so, it restores the bonus settings.

88 lines | src/GameDifficultyContext.php
// ... lines 1 - 6
class GameDifficultyContext
// ... lines 9 - 13
public function victory(Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void
switch ($this->level) {
case 1:
if ($player->getLevel() >= 2 || $fightResult->getTotalVictories() >= 2) {
$this->enemyAttackBonus = 5;
$this->enemyHealthBonus = 5;
GameApplication::$printer->info('Game difficulty level increased to Medium!');
// ... lines 27 - 53
// ... lines 56 - 86

Okay! The plan is to refactor this code so it leverages the State pattern. The first step is to move the logic of each level, or "state", into its own class. Let's start by creating an interface for our states. Inside src/, add a new folder called DifficultyState, and inside that, add a new PHP class - DifficultyStateInterface. The state's interface must have a method for each possible event. In our case, that would be victory() and defeat(), so write public function victory(). For the arguments, write GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, and FightResult $fightResult. The defeat() method has the same arguments, so we can duplicate this line and rename it to "defeat".

// ... lines 1 - 8
interface DifficultyStateInterface
public function victory(GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void;
public function defeat(GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void;

The $player and $fightResult arguments could have been wrapped in the DifficultyContext, but we'll leave it like this.

Alright, we're ready to add some states. Create a new PHP class inside the same folder, and instead of using numbers to represent difficulty levels, we're going to name them - "Easy", "Medium", etc. So let's name this EasyState, make it implement the interface, and hold "option" + "enter" to add the methods.

19 lines | src/DifficultyState/EasyState.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class EasyState implements DifficultyStateInterface
public function victory(GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void
public function defeat(GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void

Perfect! I'll close a few things, then, back in GameDifficultyContext, find the first case in the victory() method and copy it. Then, in EasyState, paste that and replace $this with $difficultyContext. We'll also change this level property to reference the current state object, so rename it to difficultyState and set it to the next state - new MediumState().

28 lines | src/DifficultyState/EasyState.php
// ... lines 1 - 11
public function victory(GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void
if ($player->getLevel() >= 2 || $fightResult->getTotalVictories() >= 2) {
$difficultyContext->enemyAttackBonus = 5;
$difficultyContext->enemyHealthBonus = 5;
$difficultyContext->difficultyState = new MediumState();
GameApplication::$printer->info('Game difficulty level increased to Medium!');
// ... lines 23 - 28

We haven't created this class yet, but we will in a moment. To add the property, hold "option" + "enter" and change its type hint to DifficultyStateInterface.

89 lines | src/GameDifficultyContext.php
// ... lines 1 - 5
use App\DifficultyState\DifficultyStateInterface;
class GameDifficultyContext
public DifficultyStateInterface $difficultyState;
// ... lines 11 - 87

Awesome! And if we take a quick look at the defeat function, scroll down and... okay. There's nothing to do when a player is defeated in the EasyState, since that's the lowest level, so we can leave this as it is.

Now let's refactor level 2. Add another PHP class and name it MediumState. This next part should look familiar! We'll implement the interface... add the methods by holding "option" + "enter"... copy the code from level 2 in GameDifficultyContext... paste it into the MediumState class, and fix the code. This state will move us into the "hard" difficulty, so set difficultyState to new HardState(). That doesn't exist yet either, but we're getting to that.

40 lines | src/DifficultyState/MediumState.php
// ... lines 1 - 10
class MediumState implements DifficultyStateInterface
public function victory(GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void
if ($player->getLevel() >= 4 || $fightResult->getWinStreak() >= 4) {
$difficultyContext->enemyLevelBonus = $player->getLevel() + 1;
$difficultyContext->enemyHealthBonus = 10;
$difficultyContext->enemyAttackBonus = 8;
$difficultyContext->difficultyState = new HardState();
GameApplication::$printer->info('Game difficulty level increased to Hard!');
// ... lines 25 - 38

Now we can copy the code for the defeat() method, fix it, and that will move us back to the EasyState, so set difficultyState to new EasyState().

40 lines | src/DifficultyState/MediumState.php
// ... lines 1 - 25
public function defeat(GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void
// 60% chance to go back to level 1
if (Dice::roll(100) <= 60) {
// Back to level 1
$difficultyContext->enemyAttackBonus = 0;
$difficultyContext->enemyHealthBonus = 0;
$difficultyContext->difficultyState = new EasyState();
GameApplication::$printer->info('Game difficulty level decreased to Easy!');
// ... lines 39 - 40

Finally, we'll create our last difficulty state. Add a new PHP class called HardState, and we’ll repeat the process again: implement the interface, generate the 2 empty methods, then copy the guts we need for victory() and paste it in. Update $this->enemyLevelBonus to the local $difficultyContext variable. All stuff we did before.

43 lines | src/DifficultyState/HardState.php
// ... lines 1 - 10
class HardState implements DifficultyStateInterface
public function victory(GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void
// This is D&D style, where rolling 1 means epic failure and 20 critical success
switch (Dice::roll(20)) {
case 1:
$difficultyContext->enemyLevelBonus = $player->getLevel() + 5;
case 20:
// restore bonus settings
$difficultyContext->enemyLevelBonus = $player->getLevel() + 1;
// ... lines 30 - 41

For defeat(), grab its code from GameDifficultyContext, paste, and... do that variable rename one last time. And at the bottom, don’t forget to change the difficultyState to new MediumState()!

43 lines | src/DifficultyState/HardState.php
// ... lines 1 - 30
public function defeat(GameDifficultyContext $difficultyContext, Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void
if ($fightResult->getLoseStreak() >= 2) {
$difficultyContext->enemyHealthBonus = 5;
$difficultyContext->enemyAttackBonus = 5;
$difficultyContext->difficultyState = new MediumState();
GameApplication::$printer->info('Game difficulty level decreased to Medium!');
// ... lines 42 - 43

Phew... we're almost there! Now we just need to initialize the starting level. Add a constructor to GameDifficultyContext and set the difficultyState to new EasyState().

31 lines | src/GameDifficultyContext.php
// ... lines 1 - 6
use App\DifficultyState\EasyState;
class GameDifficultyContext
// ... lines 11 - 15
public function __construct()
$this->difficultyState = new EasyState();
// ... lines 20 - 29

And, don't forget to update the victory() and defeat() methods so they now call the difficultyState property.

31 lines | src/GameDifficultyContext.php
// ... lines 1 - 8
class GameDifficultyContext
// ... lines 11 - 20
public function victory(Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void
$this->difficultyState->victory($this, $player, $fightResult);
public function defeat(Character $player, FightResult $fightResult): void
$this->difficultyState->defeat($this, $player, $fightResult);

Ok, we're ready to give this a try, but before that, I'm going to cheat a little bit to always trigger the victory() method. In GameApplication, let's set the player's health to "100" at the start of each round so we never lose. After all, I am the game master! Now let's see if that works.

Spin over to your terminal and run:

php bin/console app:game:play

We'll play a few rounds until we win, and... yes! We did it! But we need to win two battles before we can level up, so let's keep going. And... woohoo! There's our message!

Game difficulty level increased to Medium!

This is working nicely, but you may not be the biggest fan of how we instantiated those state objects. What if they had some dependencies? Or what if they were expensive to create? Great questions! If the states are simple to create, do what we did, because it will keep your code simple. If they have dependencies and are expensive to create, leverage the AutowireLocator attribute to inject them lazily and reuse the same instance. If you need a fresh state object every time, use a factory to create them, and inject it into the GameDifficultyContext. We'll talk more about factories soon.

Alright! Our new setup makes it super easy to add new levels to the game. If we wanted to add a "hardest" level, we would just add a new state class and make a tiny change to the HardState so it moves us up to the "hardest" level in the victory() method. It's that simple!

Next: Let's take a look at the State pattern in the real world!