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The State Pattern


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It's time to talk about the State pattern. Here's how I like to define it:

State is a way to organize your code so that an object can change its behavior when its internal state changes. It helps you represent different states as separate classes and allows the object to switch between these states seamlessly.

How does it do that? Let's check it out!

Pattern Anatomy

The State pattern consists of three elements:

-A Context class that represents the object whose behavior changes based on its internal state, and has a reference to the current state object.

-A common interface for all concrete state classes. This declares methods that represent actions that can be taken in each state.

-And lastly, concrete states, where each class represents a state of the context.

Objects Collaboration

These elements collaborate together in a couple of different ways. The context can delegate state-specific actions to the current state object, and it may pass itself as an argument. Context or concrete states can also decide which state succeeds another and they can be responsible for instantiating state objects. What does that look like? Let's see an example.

Imaginary Example

Suppose we have a publishPost() function that will do different things based on the status of an article. If the article is a draft, it will change the status to "moderation" and notify the moderator. If it's already in moderation and the user is an admin, it will change the status to "published" and send a tweet.

public function publishPost(Article $article) {
    if ($article->getStatus() === 'draft') {
    } elseif ($article->getStatus() === 'moderation') {
        if ($this->getCurrentUser()->isAdmin()) {
    } elseif ($article->getStatus() === 'published') {
        throw new AlreadyPublishedException();

If we apply the State pattern to this function, we need to create a class for each state: DraftState, ModerationState, and PublishedState. Each class will have a publish() method that encapsulates the specific logic for that state, so the DraftState class would look something like this:

class DraftState implements StateInterface {
    public function publish(Article $article) {

Okay, it's time to have some fun and put this into practice! Let's refactor how our game application handles difficulty levels using the State pattern. That's next!