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Sender Authentication: SPF & DKIM

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Just configuring your app to use a cloud email sender - like SendGrid - isn't enough. That would be too simple! In my Gmail inbox, the message was delivered... but I think we got lucky. This email smells like spam. The reason is that we're claiming that the email is coming from alienmailer@example.com. We can see that in our Mailer class: every email is coming from this address.

In a real app, we would replace this with an email address from our real domain - like droid@thespacebar.com. But that doesn't fix things. The question still remains: how does Gmail know that SendGrid - or really, our account on SendGrid - is authorized to send emails from this domain? How does it know that we're not some random spammer or phisher that's trying to trick users into thinking this email is legitimately from this domain?

To get our emails past spam blockers, we need to add extra config to our domain's DNS that proves our SendGrid account is authorized to send emails from example.com... or whatever your domain actually is.

This is both a simple thing to do... and maybe confusing? Fortunately, every email provider will guide you through the process and... I'll do my best to... explain what the heck is going on.

The Domain Authentication Process

On the left, find Settings and click "Sender Authentication". We want "Domain Authentication" - click to get started. Ultimately, all we will need to do is add a few new records to our domain's DNS. To help make that easier, we can select where we host our DNS settings so that SendGrid can give us instructions customized to that service.

In reality, we haven't deployed our site yet - so we'll walk through this process... for pretend. Let's pretend our DNS is hosted on CloudFlare - I love CloudFlare. I'll skip the "link branding" thing - that's something else entirely. Click Next.

Now it wants to know which domain we'll send from. Right now, we're sending from @example.com. Let's change that to @thespacebar.com and pretend that this is our production domain. In the box, use thespacebar.com and hit "Next".

Here is the important stuff! If you don't care about what's going on, you can simply add these 3 DNS records and skip ahead to where we talk about DMARC. These are enough to prove that our SendGrid account is allowed to send emails on behalf of our domain.

But I think this stuff is neat! When it comes to this whole "domain authentication" thing, there are three fancy acronyms that you'll hear: SPF, DKIM and DMARC. Here's the 60 second explanation of the first two.

The DNS Settings: SPF & DKIM

Both SFP and DKIM are security mechanisms where you can set specific DNS records that will say exactly who is allowed to send emails from your domain. SPF works by whitelisting IP addresses that are allowed to send emails. DKIM works by using a public key to prove that the sender is authorized to send emails. They do similar jobs, but you typically want to have both.

Here's what the SPF and DKIM records look like for SymfonyCasts.com:

TXT symfonycasts.com                    v=spf1 include:spf.mailjet.com include:helpscoutemail.com ?all
TXT mailjet._domainkey.symfonycasts.com k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBi....

The first is the SPF - the sender policy framework. Our framework allows emails to be sent by Mailjet - that's what our site uses for emails - and Helpscout, which is our ticketing system. The second is for DKIM: it lists a public key that can be used to verify that the email was really sent by an authorized sender. Your DNS records might looks a bit different, but this is the general idea.

But, wow - the DNS records that SendGrid is telling us to use are way different! This is because of a nice "Automated Security" feature they have. The short story is this: by setting these CNAME records, it will set up the SPF and DKIM settings for you... which is nice... because they're kinda long, complex strings. If you do need more control, on the previous screen we could have selected an option to turn "automated security" off. In that case, this step would tell us a couple of TXT records we need to set - very similar to the TXT records we use for SymfonyCasts.com.

So... DMARC?

The point is: set these DNS records and you're good. But, there is one more, newer part of email security that is often not handled by your cloud email system. It's called DMARC and it's totally optional. Here's what the DMARC DNS record looks like for SymfonyCasts:

TXT _dmarc v=DMARC1; p=none; pct=100; rua=mailto:re+eymg4cd5p5c@dmarc.postmarkapp.com; sp=none; aspf=r;

In a nutshell, DMARC adds even a bit more confidence to your emails. This crazy string tells email inboxes a few things. For example, it specifically says what should happen if an email fails SPF or DKIM. Technically, just because an email fails DKIM, for example, it doesn't mean that the email will definitely go to spam: it's just one thing that counts against the email's spam score. But, if you want, you could create a DMARC that clarifies this: for example, instructing that all emails that fail SPF or DKIM should be rejected.

It also has one other fascinating super power, and this is the part I love. SPF and DKIM are scary... because what if you set them up wrong? Or you set them up right today, but then you tweak some DNS settings and accidentally break them? Many of your emails might start going to spam without you even realizing it.

DMARC can solve this, and this is how we use it. By setting the rua key to an email, you can request that all major ISP's send you reports about how many emails they are receiving from your domain and whether or not SPF and DKIM are aligned. Yep, you'll get a report if something is suddenly misconfigured... and you can even see who is trying to send fake emails from your domain!

But, instead of getting these low-level messages into your personal inbox, we use a free service from PostMarkApp. The reports are sent to them, and we get a neat, weekly update.

Unfortunately, SendGrid doesn't help you set up DMARC. But fortunately, by going to https://dmarc.postmarkapp.com/, you can answer a few short questions and get the exact DMARC record you need.

Phew! Enough email, authentication nerdiness! I'll leave you to update your own DNS records and... I'll change the email from back to @example.com.

And hey! About this from address. Every email from our app will probably be from the same address. Can we set this globally? Yes! Let's talk about that and events next.