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Ink: Automatic CSS Email Framework

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Our email template is HTML... very traditional HTML. What I mean is, this is the type of HTML and CSS you would see on a normal website. And, at least inside Mailtrap... it looks good! But a big lesson of sending emails is that the HTML is often not rendered like a normal browser would render it. Some email clients don't support float or flexbox... so if you're using those to establish an email layout then... oof, it's going to look bad for some people... like people using gmail.

If you want to write an email that's going to look consistently good in every email client, the best practice is actually to use tables for your layout. If you have no idea what a table layout is... oh, you are so, so lucky. Back in the dark ages of the Internet, back before CSS float and flexbox existed, every webpage's layout consisted of tables, rows and cells. It was tables, inside of tables, inside of tables, inside of tables. It was... a nightmare.

So... um... am I saying that the nightmare of needing to write table-based layouts is still a reality when you create emails? Yes... and no. Mailer has another trick up its sleeve.

Hello Ink / Foundation for Emails

Google for "Inky Framework" to find something called "Ink" by "Zurb". Let me define... a few things. Zurb is the name of a company, a cool name - it sounds like an alien race: "the Zurb". Anyways, Zurb is the company that created "Foundation": a CSS framework that's probably the second most famous in the world behind Bootstrap. "Ink" is the name of a CSS framework that's designed specifically for emails. And actually, they've renamed "Ink" to just "Foundation for Emails".

So, Ink, or Foundation for Emails is a CSS framework for responsive HTML emails that works on any device. Even Outlook! Click on the docs.

Foundation for emails is basically two parts. First, it's a CSS file that defines useful CSS classes and a grid structure for designing emails. Again... it's just like Bootstrap CSS for emails.

The Inky Templating Language

That CSS file is super handy. But the second part of Foundation for emails is even more interesting. Click the "Inky" link on the left. The second part of this library is centered around a custom templating language called "Inky". It's a simple, but fascinating tool. Click the "Switch to Inky" link.

Here's the idea: we write HTML using some custom Inky HTML tags, like <container>, <row> and <columns>... as well as a few others like <button> and <menu>. Then, Inky will transform this pretty HTML into the crazy, ugly table-based layout required for it to render in an email! Yea, it lets us have table-based emails... without needing to use tables! Yeehaw!

Using the inky_to_html Filter

Now if you downloaded the course code, you should have a tutorial/ directory, which holds the original welcome.html.twig and an inky/ directory with an updated welcome.html.twig. New stuff!

This is basically the same template but written in that special "Inky" markup: containers, rows, columns, etc. Copy the contents... and let's close a few things. Then open up templates/email/welcome.html.twig and completely replace this file with the updated version.

It's really the same email as before: it has the same dynamic URLs and is printing the recipient's name. It's just different markup. Oh, and notice that the inline_css() stuff we added a few minutes ago is gone! Gasp! Don't worry: we'll put that back in a minute. But until then, forget about CSS.

If we sent this email right now, it would literally send with this markup. To transform this into the table-based markup we want, we'll use another special filter on the entire template. On top, add {% apply inky_to_html %}... and all the way at the bottom, put {% endapply %}. I'll indent this to make it look nice.

{% apply inky_to_html %}
<row class="header">
<a href="{{ url('app_homepage') }}">
<img src="{{ email.image('@images/email/logo.png') }}" class="logo" alt="SpaceBar Logo">
<row class="welcome">
<spacer size="35"></spacer>
Nice to meet you {{ email.toName }}!
<spacer size="10"></spacer>
<spacer size="30"></spacer>
Welcome to <strong>the Space Bar</strong>, we can't wait to read what you have to write.
Get started on your first article and connect with the space bar community.
<button href="{{ url('admin_article_new') }}">Get writing!</button>
Check out our existing articles and share your thoughts in the comments!
<button href="{{ url('app_homepage') }}">Get reading!</button>
We're so excited that you've decided to join us in our corner of the universe,
it's a friendly one with other creative and insightful writers just like you!
Need help from a friend? We're always just a message away.
<row class="footer">
<p>Your friendly <em>Space Bar Team</em></p>
<row class="bottom">
<spacer size="20"></spacer>
Sent with ❤️ from the friendly folks at The Space Bar
{% endapply %}

Let's try it! Find your browser and make sure you're on the registration page. Let's register as thetruthisoutthere11@example.com, any password, check the terms, register and... error!

Ah, but we know this error! Well, not this exact error, but almost! This is Twig telling us that we're trying to use a filter that requires an extra library. Cool! Copy the composer require line, move back over to your terminal, and paste:

composer require twig/inky-extra


Make sure you have XSL extension installed for your PHP to be able to use Inky. To check it - you can run php -m | grep xsl in your console and check the output has "xsl".

When that finishes... move back to your browser, go back to the registration form, tweak that email and... deep breath... register! I think it worked! Let's go check it out.

There's the new email! Oof, it looks terrible... but that's only because it doesn't any CSS yet. Check out the HTML source. So cool: it transformed our clean markup into table elements! We just took a huge step towards making our emails look good in every email client... without needing to write bad markup.

Inlining the foundation-emails CSS

To get this to look good, we need to include some CSS from Foundation for Emails. Go back to the documentation, click on the "CSS Version" link and click download. When you unzip this, you'll find a foundation-emails.css file inside. Copy that... and paste it into, how about, the assets/css directory.

How do we include this in our email template? We already know how: the inline_css filter. But instead of adding another apply tag around the entire template, we can piggyback off of inky! Add |inline_css and pass this source() and the path to the CSS file: @styles/foundation-emails.css.

Remember: if you look in config/packages/twig.yaml, we set up a path that allows us to say @styles to refer to the assets/css directory. That's how this path works.

And... I still do want to include my custom email.css code. Copy the source() stuff, add a second argument to inline_css - you can pass this as many arguments of CSS as you want - and point this at email.css.

78 lines | templates/email/welcome.html.twig
{% apply inky_to_html|inline_css(source('@styles/foundation-emails.css'), source('@styles/email.css')) %}
// ... lines 2 - 76
{% endapply %}

That should do it! Oh, but before we try this, back in tutorial/, that inky/ directory also holds an email.css file. Now that we're using a CSS framework, some of the code in our original email.css... just isn't needed anymore! This new email.css is basically the same as the original one... but with some extra stuff removed. Copy the code from the file, and paste it over the one in assets/css.

body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background-color: #f3f3f3;
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
h1 {
background-color: #264459;
color: #ffffff;
/*padding: 30px 0 50px 0;*/
font-weight: normal;
hr {
border: none;
border-top: 3px solid #264459;
margin: 20px;
.welcome {
background-color: #264459;
.bottom {
background-color: #efefee;
.logo {
width: 100%;
.text-center {
text-align: center;
table.button a {
background-color: #264459;
table.button table td {
background-color: #264459;
border: 2px solid #264459;

Ok, time to see the final product! Go back to the registration page, update the email, add a password, enter and... go check out Mailtrap. There it is and... it looks awesome. Well, it looks exactly like it did before, but in the HTML source, now that we have a table-based layout, we know this will display more consistently across all email clients. I won't say perfect... because you'll need to do some testing - but it's now much more likely to look good.

So that's "Foundation for Emails". It's, one, a CSS framework for emails... a lot like Bootstrap for emails... and two, a tool to transform the pretty markup known as Inky into the ugly table-based HTML that the CSS framework styles and that email clients require.

Watch your Email Sizes

Before we keep going, one thing to watch out for regardless of how you're styling your emails, is email size. It's far from a science, but gmail tends to truncate emails once their size is greater than about 100kb: it hides the rest of the email with a link to see more. Keep that in mind, but more than anything, test your emails to make sure they look good in the real world!

Next, let's bootstrap a console command that will send some emails! It turns out that sending emails in a console command requires an extra trick.