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Mocks: Control the Return Value

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We know that in DinosaurFactoryTest, we don't need to worry about testing the length anymore because that's done inside DinosaurLengthDeterminator's test. Every test class can stay focused. Which is important when there's dinosaurs running around.

But... what if we accidentally forgot to call the length determinator? Like, we temporarily set the length to a hardcoded value... but forgot to fix it! Well, if you run your tests... surprise! They pass.

If the possibility of making this mistake scares you... don't worry! This is something we can test for!


Open up DinosaurFactoryTest.

When you create a mock object, by default, PHPUnit overrides all of its methods and makes each return null... or maybe zero or an empty string, depending on the return type of the function. But, you can teach your mock object to return different values. You can say:

Hey! When somebody calls this method, don't run the real logic, but do return this value.

Then, we can test that this value is in fact set as the length.

To get this setup, create a new property called lengthDeterminator. And then set our mock onto that. This will give us access to the mock down inside the test functions.

// ... lines 1 - 9
class DinosaurFactoryTest extends TestCase
// ... lines 12 - 19
private $lengthDeterminator;
// ... line 21
public function setUp()
// ... line 24
$this->factory = new DinosaurFactory($this->lengthDeterminator);
// ... lines 27 - 76

To get auto-completion, add @var and then \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject.

// ... lines 1 - 9
class DinosaurFactoryTest extends TestCase
// ... lines 12 - 16
* @var \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
private $lengthDeterminator;
// ... lines 21 - 76

Now, scroll down to the specification test. Before we call growFromSpecification, we can train the length determinator. How? Use $this->lengthDeterminator->method() and then getLengthFromSpecification: this is the name of the method that we call and want to control.

// ... lines 1 - 9
class DinosaurFactoryTest extends TestCase
// ... lines 12 - 56
public function testItGrowsADinosaurFromSpecification(string $spec, bool $expectedIsCarnivorous)
// ... lines 60 - 65
// ... lines 67 - 76

Next, chain off of that with ->willReturn(20).

// ... lines 1 - 56
public function testItGrowsADinosaurFromSpecification(string $spec, bool $expectedIsCarnivorous)
// ... lines 61 - 65
// ... lines 67 - 78

That's it! Whenever that method is called, it will return 20. And that means, at the bottom, we can assert that 20 should match $dinosaur->getLength().

// ... lines 1 - 9
class DinosaurFactoryTest extends TestCase
// ... lines 12 - 56
public function testItGrowsADinosaurFromSpecification(string $spec, bool $expectedIsCarnivorous)
// ... lines 59 - 64
$this->assertSame(20, $dinosaur->getLength());
// ... lines 67 - 76

If it does not... something is fishy! Try the tests!


Yes! They fail! Go back to DinosaurFactory, and fix the bad length code.

47 lines | src/AppBundle/Factory/DinosaurFactory.php
// ... lines 1 - 7
class DinosaurFactory
// ... lines 10 - 21
public function growFromSpecification(string $specification): Dinosaur
// ... lines 24 - 25
$length = $this->lengthDeterminator->getLengthFromSpecification($specification);
// ... lines 27 - 35
// ... lines 37 - 45

Run the tests again! Of course now, they pass.

More ways to Return

This makes our test more strict. You might think that's definitely great! But... that's not always true! Instead of simply testing the return value of the method, we're testing how the code is written internally... which in some ways, we should not care about: that's the business of the function. All we are supposed to care about is the return value. Writing stricter tests take more time, and will break accidentally more often.

So whether or not you will choose to control the return value of a mock is up to you. Sometimes, when something is super important, a strict test is awesome. And also, pretty often, you'll need to control the return value to even make your method work.

In addition to willReturn, there are a few other ways to control the return value.

Google for "phpunit willreturn" and look for the "Test Doubles" documentation. Look inside this page for willReturn() to find a few examples. Another method is returnValueMap()... which is a little weird, but allows you to map different return values for different input arguments. That is important if you call the same method multiple times with different values.

Oh, and in this case, the code is ->will() and then $this->returnValueMap(). But there's also a single method called willReturnValueMap(): each of these return methods can be called with both styles.

There's also one called willReturnCallback() where you can pass a callback and return whatever value you want. It's got the power of the value map... but is way less weird.

Ok, there's one more cool thing you can do with a mock: let's see it next!