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Mocks & Test Doubles

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We're testing DinosaurFactory... but it needs a DinosaurLengthDeterminator! This happened before, when the Enclosure required a Dinosaur object. In that case, instead of mocking the Dinosaur object, we just created it. Remember the rule? If the object you need is a simple model object, just create it. If it's a service, then mock it.

Well... DinosaurLengthDeterminator is a service: it's a class that does work. So we're going to mock it. This is pretty typical for constructor arguments, which tend to be services.

By "mocking", I mean that we're going to pass an object that looks and smells like a DinosaurLengthDeterminator, but... isn't. Mocks are easier to create than the real objects, and their methods are "faked": if the real class queries the database or makes API calls, the mock will do nothing.

Creating the Mock Object

Let's do it! $mockLengthDeterminator = $this->createMock(DinosaurLengthDeterminator::class). Pass that as the first argument.

// ... lines 1 - 9
class DinosaurFactoryTest extends TestCase
// ... lines 12 - 16
public function setUp()
$mockLengthDeterminator = $this->createMock(DinosaurLengthDeterminator::class);
$this->factory = new DinosaurFactory($mockLengthDeterminator);
// ... lines 22 - 67

Before we talk about this, find your terminal, and run the tests:


Whoa! They still fail... but the error message is different: failed asserting that 0 is equal to 10 or greater than 10. Find line 81 of the test. Oh, this 0 is actually referring to $dinosaur->getLength().

So... interesting... all the dinosaur lengths are being set to zero. Here's why: when you create a mock, it creates a new class in memory that extends the original, but overrides every method and simply returns null. That means, when we call getLengthFromSpecification(), it does not execute this code. Nope, this function in the mocked class returns null.

Well, actually, that's not entirely true. In this case, the length is 0. That's thanks to the return type on the method. But basically, all the methods return "nothing". A mock is a "zombie" version of the original object.

The Mock Builder

I'll hold command and click createMock() to see that function. Behind the scenes, mocks are created with a mock builder. And sometimes, you'll want to use that instead, because it gives you a bit more control. As you can see, by default, the constructor is skipped when creating the mock... which is pretty sweet, because you don't need to worry about the constructor arguments of a class.

Also, by default, all methods are mocked. But you can use the setMethods() function to only mock some methods.

By the way, the most common word you're going to hear for this object is a mock. But technically, there are a number of different terms: dummies, stubs, spies and mocks. They all mean slightly different things. And technically, what we've created is a dummy... which is just a bit insulting!

Anyways, if you want to learn what these terms really mean, you can check out a series of articles written by Andrew, our course co-author at this link: http://www.ifdattic.com/dummy-test-double-using-prophecy/.

But for this tutorial, I'll use the word mock to keep things simple.

Removing the Length Tests

Ok, back to the test. By creating the mock, we fixed the original error. But now, all of the length tests are failing! But... wait a second. In a unit test, we should only worry about testing the logic of DinosaurFactory. And... well... DinosaurFactory no longer has any logic related to lengths! That calculation is done - and tested - in DinosaurLengthDeterminator!

In other words, we shouldn't even be testing the length! Completely delete the "huge" test. For the other spec test, we do still need to check that the isCarnivorous logic is correct, but we don't need the length stuff! Remove the second argument: expectedIsLarge. And then remove the asserts for it.

// ... lines 1 - 9
class DinosaurFactoryTest extends TestCase
// ... lines 12 - 51
public function testItGrowsADinosaurFromSpecification(string $spec, bool $expectedIsCarnivorous)
$dinosaur = $this->factory->growFromSpecification($spec);
$this->assertSame($expectedIsCarnivorous, $dinosaur->isCarnivorous(), 'Diets do not match');
// ... lines 59 - 67

In the data provider, remove the second argument from each test case.

// ... lines 1 - 9
class DinosaurFactoryTest extends TestCase
// ... lines 12 - 58
public function getSpecificationTests()
return [
// specification, is large, is carnivorous
['large carnivorous dinosaur', true],
'default response' => ['give me all the cookies!!!', false],
['large herbivore', false],

Try the tests again!


Woh! They're fixed! The tests pass! And this wasn't a hack: our test is now correctly only worried about testing the logic inside the factory class itself.

But! There's a lot more you can do with mocks - they're not just dummy objects. They can be trained!