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Rendering the File List Client Side

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Here's the plan. Since we're using Dropzone to upload things via Ajax, I want to transform this entire section into a fully JavaScript-driven dynamic widget. Some of this stuff we're going to talk about isn't strictly related to handling uploads, but I got a lot of requests to show a full upload "gallery" where you can upload, edit, delete and re-order files. So... let's do that!

Select another file to upload, like rocket.jpeg. It uploads... but you don't see it on the list until we refresh. Lame! Instead of rendering this list inside Twig, let's render it via JavaScript. Once we've done that, updating it dynamically will be easy!

Article References Collection Endpoint

To power the frontend, we need a new API endpoint that will return all of the references for a specific Article. We got this: go into ArticleReferenceAdminController and create a new public function called getArticleReferences().

// ... lines 1 - 18
class ArticleReferenceAdminController extends BaseController
// ... lines 21 - 79
public function getArticleReferences(Article $article)
// ... line 82
// ... lines 84 - 107

Add the @Route() above this with /admin/article/{id}/references.

This time, the id is the article id. URLs aren't technically important, but this is on purpose: in an API, /admin/article/{id} would be the URL to get info about a specific article. Adding /references onto that is a nice way to read its references.

Now add the methods="GET" - yes you can leave off the curly braces when there's just one method - and name="admin_article_list_references".

// ... lines 1 - 18
class ArticleReferenceAdminController extends BaseController
// ... lines 21 - 75
* @Route("/admin/article/{id}/references", methods="GET", name="admin_article_list_references")
// ... line 78
public function getArticleReferences(Article $article)
// ... line 82
// ... lines 84 - 107

Down in the method, add the Article argument and don't forget the security check: @IsGranted("MANAGE", subject="article"). We can use the annotation this time because we do have an article argument. Then, oh, it's beautiful: return $this->json($article->getArticleReferences());.

// ... lines 1 - 18
class ArticleReferenceAdminController extends BaseController
// ... lines 21 - 75
* @Route("/admin/article/{id}/references", methods="GET", name="admin_article_list_references")
* @IsGranted("MANAGE", subject="article")
public function getArticleReferences(Article $article)
return $this->json($article->getArticleReferences());
// ... lines 84 - 107

How nice is it!? Let's check it out: in the browser, take off the /edit and replace it with /references. And... oh boy, it explodes!

Semantical error: Couldn't find constant article... make sure annotations are installed and enabled.

Well, they are - this is a total rookie mistake I made with my annotations. On the @IsGranted annotation, it should be subject="article". Try it again. Here we go - that's the error I was expecting: our favorite circular reference has been detected.

This is the exact same thing we saw a second ago when we tried to serialize a single ArticleReference. And the fix is the same: we need to use the main serialization group.

Pass 200 as the status code, no custom headers, but one custom groups option set to main.

// ... lines 1 - 18
class ArticleReferenceAdminController extends BaseController
// ... lines 21 - 79
public function getArticleReferences(Article $article)
return $this->json(
'groups' => ['main']
// ... lines 91 - 114

Try it again. Gorgeous! That contains everything we need to render the list in JavaScript.

JavaScript Rendering

To do that, we're not going to use Vue.js or React. Those are both wonderful options, and if you're serious about building some high-quality front-end apps, you need to give them a serious look. But, to keep the concepts understandable, I'm going to stick to jQuery and a few modern JavaScript techniques.

Start in edit.html.twig. Find the list and completely empty it: we'll fill this in via JavaScript. But add a new class so we can find it: js-reference-list. Let's also add a data-url attribute: I want to print the URL to our new endpoint to make it easy for JavaScript to fetch the references. Copy the new route name, paste it into path and add pass the id route wildcard set to article.id.

42 lines | templates/article_admin/edit.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 2
{% block content_body %}
// ... lines 4 - 7
<div class="row">
// ... lines 9 - 14
<div class="col-sm-4">
// ... lines 16 - 17
<ul class="list-group small js-reference-list" data-url="{{ path('admin_article_list_references', {id: article.id}) }}"></ul>
// ... lines 19 - 25
{% endblock %}
// ... lines 29 - 42

The ReferenceList JavaScript Class

Next, in admin_article_form.js, I'm going to paste in a class that I've started: you can copy this from the code block on this page. This uses the newer "class" syntax from JavaScript... which is compatible with most browsers, but not all of them. That's why I've added this note to use Webpack Encore, which will rewrite the new syntax so that it's compatible with whatever browsers you need.

84 lines | public/js/admin_article_form.js
// ... lines 1 - 33
// todo - use Webpack Encore so ES6 syntax is transpiled to ES5
class ReferenceList
constructor($element) {
this.$element = $element;
this.references = [];
url: this.$element.data('url')
}).then(data => {
this.references = data;
render() {
const itemsHtml = this.references.map(reference => {
return `
<li class="list-group-item d-flex justify-content-between align-items-center">
<a href="/admin/article/references/${reference.id}/download"><span class="fa fa-download"></span></a>
// ... lines 66 - 84

Before we dive into this class, let's start using it up on our document.ready() function. Say var referenceList = new ReferenceList() and pass it $('.js-reference-list') - that's the element we just added the attribute to.

84 lines | public/js/admin_article_form.js
// ... lines 1 - 2
$(document).ready(function() {
var referenceList = new ReferenceList($('.js-reference-list'));
// ... lines 5 - 31
// ... lines 33 - 84

And... yea! The class mostly takes care of the rest! In the constructor(), we take in the jQuery element and store it on this.$element. It also keeps track of all the references that it has, which starts empty and calls this.render(), whose job is to completely fill the ul element.

this.references.map is a fancy way to loop over the references array, which is empty at the start, but won't be forever. For each reference, it creates a string of HTML that is basically a copy of what we had in our template before. This uses a feature called template literals that allows us to create a multi-line string with variables inside - like reference.originalFilename and referenced.id. The data from the references will ultimately come from our new endpoint, so I'm using the same keys that our JSON has.

I did hardcode the URL to the download endpoint instead of doing something fancier. You could generate that with FOSJsRoutingBundle if you want, but hardcoding it is also not a huge deal.

Finally, at the bottom, we take all that HTML and stick it into the element. This is a bit similar to what React does, but definitely less powerful.

Back up in the constructor, the references array starts empty, but we immediately make an Ajax call by reading the data-url attribute off of our element. When it finishes, we set this.references to its data and once again call this.render().

Phew! Let's see if it actually works! Refresh and... yes! If you watched closely, it was empty for a moment, then filled in once the AJAX call finished.

Dynamically Adding the Row

Now that we're rendering this in JavaScript, we have a clean way to add a new row whenever a file finishes uploading. Back inside the init function for Dropzone, add another event listener: this.on('success') and pass a callback with the same file and data arguments. To start, just console.log(data) so we can see what it looks like.

88 lines | public/js/admin_article_form.js
// ... lines 1 - 66
function initializeDropzone() {
// ... lines 68 - 72
var dropzone = new Dropzone(formElement, {
// ... line 74
init: function() {
this.on('success', function(file, data) {
console.log(file, data);
// ... lines 79 - 84

Ok, refresh, select any file and... in the console... nice! We already did the work of returning the new ArticleReference JSON on success... even though we didn't need it before. Thanks past us!

And now, we're dangerous. If we can somehow take that data, put it into the references property in our class and re-render, we'll be good!

To help that, add a new function called addReference(). This will take in a new reference and then push it onto this.references. Then call this.render().

96 lines | public/js/admin_article_form.js
// ... lines 1 - 34
class ReferenceList
// ... lines 37 - 49
addReference(reference) {
// ... lines 54 - 69
// ... lines 71 - 96

For people that are used to React, I do want to mention two things. First, we're mutating, um, changing the this.references property when we say this.references.push(). Changing "state", which is basically what this is, is a big "no no" in React. But in our simpler system, it's fine. Second, each time we call this.render(), it is completely emptying the ul and re-adding all the HTML from scratch. Front-end frameworks like React or Vue are way smarter than this and are able to update just the pieces that changed.

Anyways, inside of initializeDropzone(), add a referenceList argument: we're going to force this to get passed to us. I'll even document that this will be an instance of the ReferenceList class.

96 lines | public/js/admin_article_form.js
// ... lines 1 - 71
* @param {ReferenceList} referenceList
function initializeDropzone(referenceList) {
// ... lines 76 - 94

Back on top, pass in the object - referenceList.

96 lines | public/js/admin_article_form.js
// ... lines 1 - 2
$(document).ready(function() {
// ... lines 4 - 5
// ... lines 7 - 31
// ... lines 33 - 96

And now inside success, instead of console.log(), we'll say referenceList.addReference(data).

96 lines | public/js/admin_article_form.js
// ... lines 1 - 74
function initializeDropzone(referenceList) {
// ... lines 76 - 80
var dropzone = new Dropzone(formElement, {
// ... line 82
init: function() {
this.on('success', function(file, data) {
// ... lines 87 - 92

Cool! Give your page a nice refresh. And... let's see: astronaut.jpg is the last file on the list currently. So let's upload Earth from the Moon.jpeg. It uploads and... boom! So fast! We can even instantly downloaded it.

Next: let's keep leveling up: authors need a way to delete existing file references.