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v-bind: Dynamic Attributes

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We added a title prop to legend to make it dynamic: whenever we use this component, we can pass it different text. It's like an argument to the legend component.

But in this situation, I want to go one step further: I want to pretend that the legend text on this page needs to change while our app is running - like the shipping time magically starts to decrease if the user is on the site for awhile... and we really want them to buy.

Whenever we need a value to change while the app is running, that value needs to be stored as data. In products.vue, we already have a legend data from earlier, but we're temporarily not using it. So what we really want to do is this: pass the legend data as the title prop, instead of the hardcoded text.

Easy enough! We know that anything in data and props is available in our template. So, for the title attribute, or technically prop, say title="{{ legend }}"

85 lines | assets/js/pages/products.vue
// ... lines 2 - 47
<div class="row">
<legend-component title="{{ legend }}" />
// ... lines 51 - 53
// ... lines 55 - 85

As soon as we do that, Webpack is mad! Go check out the terminal. Yikes, it doesn't like this syntax at all - it can't even build our assets:

interpolation inside attributes has been removed. Use v-bind or the colon shorthand instead. For example, instead of id="{{ val }}", use :id="val".

That's... a pretty awesome error message.

Using v-bind for Dynamic Attributes

Basically, the {{ }} syntax that we've grown to know and love... can't be used inside an attribute. If you need a dynamic value in an attribute, you need to prefix the attribute with v-bind:. And then, inside the attribute, just use the variable name.

85 lines | assets/js/pages/products.vue
// ... lines 1 - 47
<div class="row">
<legend-component v-bind:title="legend" />
// ... lines 51 - 85

Now it builds successfully. Before we talk more about this, let's try it! Refresh and... it works! Over on the Vue dev tools, the Products component has a legend data... and it looks like the Legend component is receiving that as its title prop.

The cool thing is that if we modify the legend data - "Will ship slowly!" - the text updates! The modified data is passed to Legend as the title prop, and Vue re-renders it. So while we will never change a prop directly, if we change a data... and that data is passed to a prop, the prop will update to reflect that.

v-bind is Full JavaScript

Back at our editor, let's talk more about this v-bind thing. There will actually be several of these v- things in Vue: they're used whenever Vue needs to do something special, including if statements and for loops. v-bind is probably the most important one. Very simply: if you want an attribute to be set to a dynamic value, you must prefix the attribute with v-bind.

As soon as you do that, the attribute is no longer just text, like pb-2 up here. We're now writing JavaScript inside the attribute.

I'll prove it: add + open quote and say

this is really JavaScript.

85 lines | assets/js/pages/products.vue
// ... lines 1 - 47
<div class="row">
<legend-component v-bind:title="legend + ' this is really JavaScript!'" />
// ... lines 51 - 85

And... when we try this... yea! That text shows up! It's a mixture of our data and that string.

So... that's really it! v-bind is meant to "bind" an attribute to some dynamic value, often a data or prop. But honestly, I don't even think of it like that. I just think: if I want to use JavaScript inside of an attribute, I need to use v-bind.

The v-bind Colon Shorthand

We're going to use this all the time: we're constantly going to be setting attributes to dynamic values. Vue understand this. And so, they've provided us with a nice shortcut. Instead of v-bind:title, just say :title.

85 lines | assets/js/pages/products.vue
// ... lines 1 - 47
<div class="row">
<legend-component :title="legend" />
// ... lines 51 - 85

That means the exact same thing: it's still really v-bind behind the scenes.

I like this way more. In my mind, an attribute without a colon is literally set to that string. Prefixing the attribute with : transforms it into JavaScript. Simple.

Anyways, when we try it now it... of course, works brilliantly.

Specifying the type of a Prop

While we're talking about the legend component, I want to make one small tweak to the props option. Remember: to allow a title prop to be passed to us, we needed to first define the prop here.

If you hover over this, ESLint is mad:

prop title should define at least its type.

In addition to just saying:

please allow a prop called title to be passed to me

We can also tell Vue what type we expect this prop to be and whether or not it's required.

Change props to an object where title is a key. Set this to another object with two items: type set to String and required set to true. Valid types are things like String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object and a few others - all with upper case names.

18 lines | assets/js/components/legend.vue
// ... lines 1 - 6
export default {
// ... line 9
props: {
title: {
type: String,
required: true,

Oh, and ESLint is still mad because I messed up my indentation! Thanks!

This won't change how our app works: it just helps to document our code and Vue will give us some nice validation. Back in products.vue, temporarily "forget" to pass the title prop.

85 lines | assets/js/pages/products.vue
// ... lines 1 - 47
<div class="row">
<legend-component :title="legend" />
// ... lines 51 - 85

When we reload... error!

Missing required props: "title".

Remember: props are basically arguments you pass to a component. But since they're super dynamic, this is the way that we, sort of, type-hint each prop and mark it as required or not. There's also a default option you can pass for optional props.

Next: let's make our styles more hipster - and less likely to cause accidental side effects - by using modular CSS.