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The await Keyword

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Before we start using the products data from the Ajax call, there's one other way to work with promises... and I really like it! It's the await syntax. We know that Axios returns a Promise... and that we normally run code after a promise has finished - or "resolved" - by calling .then() on it.

This works great. But instead add const response = before the axios call and then remove the callback.

If we stopped right now, response would actually be a Promise - not a response. But if we put await in front of it, it will be a response! The await keyword causes your code to wait for that Promise to resolve. And whatever data is normally passed to your callback as an argument is instead returned. There is still an asynchronous Ajax call happening, but our code reads a bit more like synchronous code. The await keyword is syntactic sugar.

44 lines | assets/js/components/catalog.vue
// ... lines 1 - 22
// ... lines 24 - 26
export default {
// ... lines 28 - 36
mounted() {
const response = await axios.get('/api/products');
// ... lines 39 - 40

Why do we need async?

Hmm... PhpStorm looks mad... but... let's ignore it and try this anyways! Move back over to the browser and scroll to the bottom of the console. Ah!

Cannot use keyword await outside an async function.

So... first: I hope that the general idea of await makes sense to you. If you have something that is asynchronous, you put await in front of it and that says:

Please wait for this to finish, get the return value and then keep executing my code.

That's great. But this comes with one rule: whenever you use the await keyword, whatever function you're inside of needs to have an async keyword in front of it. Let me put back the console.log(response).

44 lines | assets/js/components/catalog.vue
// ... lines 1 - 36
async mounted() {
// ... lines 38 - 39
// ... lines 42 - 44

When you make a function async, it means that your function will now automatically and always return a Promise. If your function has a return value, that will be the data of the Promise.

This... can be confusing at first: when mounted() is called, our code will freeze on the async line and wait for the Ajax call to finish. But this doesn't freeze our entire JavaScript app. In reality, the mounted() function will almost immediately finish and will return a Promise. That Promise will resolve once all of our code executes.

To say this a different way: if we called mounted() directly from our code - we won't do that, but just pretend - then mounted() would finish before the Ajax call and it would now return a Promise. If we wanted to do something after the Ajax call and the rest of the code in mounted() finished, we could chain a .then() from that Promise.

But in reality, Vue is responsible for calling mounted() and Vue doesn't care about or use any value that we might return from mounted(). So basically, Vue couldn't care less that we just changed this to async and so, caused our method to return a Promise.

The key thing to know about async and await is that even though our code will wait on this line, really the mounted() function will finish nearly instantly. Vue isn't going to call mounted() then freeze our entire Vue app waiting for it to finish. It starts our Ajax call then keeps going. That's perfect.

Anyways, now when we refresh... yes! The Ajax call finishes and logs the response. Feel free to use Promises directly or with await: we'll use await in this tutorial.

Adding the products Data & hydra:member

Ok, let's use our real products data! Inside catalog, if you think about it, the products are something that will change during the lifecycle of our component. At the very least, when the catalog component first loads, the products will be empty. And then, as soon as the Ajax call finishes, they will change to be the real products.

That's a long way of saying that products need live in data. Head up to to the data option and add a new products key set to an empty array as its default data.

In mounted(), instead of logging the response, now we can say this.products = response.data and... let's see. Inside response.data, we want the hydra:member property. Cool! Add .hydra:member. Oh but that : mucks things up. We need to use square brackets here with that in quotes.

45 lines | assets/js/components/catalog.vue
// ... lines 1 - 37
async mounted() {
// ... lines 39 - 40
this.products = response.data['hydra:member'];
// ... lines 43 - 45

Ok, let's check out the products data. Move over... I'll refresh just to be safe... then on the Vue dev tools, find the Catalog component. Yes! Our products data has 12 items in it!

So... let's celebrate and use this data! Up in the template, remove that pesky TODO. In our design, we need to have one of these divs for each product. Break it into multiple lines and then loop with v-for="product in products". And every time we use v-for, we need to add a key attribute set to some unique, non-changing key for each item.

49 lines | assets/js/components/catalog.vue
// ... lines 2 - 11
v-for="product in products"
class="col-xs-12 col-6 mb-2 pb-2"
// ... line 17
// ... lines 19 - 24
// ... lines 26 - 49

The Useful @id IRI

If you look at the products data on the dev tools, you'll notice that we do have an id property. It's not very important in this case, but I'm actually going to use this @id instead. This is called an "IRI" - it's a unique key that API Platform adds to every resource. It's... just more useful than a database ID or UUID because it's a real URL: we could make a request to this address to fetch that specific product.

That "usefulness" won't be... well... useful in this situation. But because of this, in general, I'm going to use @id everywhere as my unique identifier. The only problem is that when you say product.@id, JavaScript gets mad because you can't use an @ sign in this syntax. Once again, use square brackets and wrap this in quotes.

Inside the div, start by printing the name: {{ product.name }}... because name is one of the keys in the data. And... yea! You can already see it being used! There is our list of real, high-quality, products.

49 lines | assets/js/components/catalog.vue
// ... lines 2 - 11
// ... lines 13 - 15
{{ product.name }}
// ... lines 19 - 24
// ... lines 26 - 49

Next, if we added all of the markup and data we need for each product directly into the catalog component... things could get big and ugly fast. Let's split the product listing into two, smaller, sleeker components.