1545 search results for symfony bundle

Mastering Route config Loading

... kidding - they totally can. In fact, find your terminal and run: Surprise! There are a lot more than just the two routes that we've created. Where are these coming from? Answer time: when Symfony loads the route list ...

Do Less Work in the Controller

... google and search for SensioFrameworkExtraBundle. Click the link on Symfony.com. This bundle is all about shortcuts, and it came standard with our project. On the docs, scroll down to the @Template link and click it ...

... \symfony\src\Symfony\Bridge\Twig/Resources/views/Form). 500 Internal Server Error - InvalidArgumentException 1 linked Exception: Twig_Error_Loader » Here's the code: namespace AppBundle\Controller; use Sensio\Bundle ...
Tomislav Strugačevac
Tomislav Strugačevac
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Hey, rddro ! `hautelook/alice-bundle` is a bundle for standalone `nelmio/alice` library, which ports this lib and another one (fzaninotto/Faker) for the Symfony applications. If you see its dependencies - you will find ...
... We have some services with twig injected, so no idea why fails at this point: ``` # AbstractController # namespace Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller; /** * Returns a rendered ...
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... abandoned, are these deprecations the trigger to replace KNP Markdown Bundle with twig/markdown-extra (or can I upgrade to Symfony 6 without removing those deprecations)? The second source is BabDev\PagerfantaBundle. That ...
Hey, Mickael! Assetic bundle just was excluded from the Symfony Standard Edition due to its low usage. I mean, Symfony SE could be used for creating API, etc. where Assetic bundle doesn't need entirely. Many devs used ...
... of stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle which is v1.6.0 you need to have symfony/config 5.2, but if you're using project code from this course you most probably have 5,1 installed. So, to be able to upgrade "stof/doctrine ...
Hey Jack! Not every bundle should have a Symfony Flex recipe. Even without any recipe, the bundle will be anyway configured by Symfony Flex: installed and registered in your bundles.php. So, if the bundle does not need ...
... i'm using php 7.4, composer 1.9.1 and symfony cli 4.10.2 on microsofts linux sub system at the moment. and i have to update the doctrine/annotations package and the framework-extra-bundle perhaps you can add "version ...
... class Symfony operations: 1 recipe (6ec0990e709b57a3882c12230b5c20a8) - Configuring doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle (>=3.0): From github.com/symfony/recipes:master Executing script cache:clear [KO] [KO] Script ...
... Class 'PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\doki\dev2\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase.php:24 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\doki\dev2\vendor\composer ...
Sebastian R.
Sebastian R.
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Hey Didi, What exactly version of `sentry/sentry-symfony` did you install? The `composer require sentry/sentry-symfony` finished well without any errors? The latest version should execute this recipe: https ...
... Using version ^1.14 for symfony/webpack-encore-bundle ./composer.json has been updated Running composer update symfony/webpack-encore-bundle Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies ...
When trying to install doctrine-fixtures-bundle I get an error. I'm with Symfony version 3.1.10 and I need to install it adding "^2.0.0" like this: composer require --dev "doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle:^2.0.0" Hope that helps someone! Cheers! ...
Lluís Puig Ferrer
Lluís Puig Ferrer
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In case anyone didn't notice, and you're on Symfony 2.2.*, you need to add "doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle": "dev-master" to your composer.json and new Doctrine\Bundle\FixturesBundle\DoctrineFixturesBundle() to your bundles to use the fixtures. ...
Hey Sherri, Yeah, the latest v1.6.0 of the bundle requires Symfony 5.2, but you can install the previous one v1.5.0 instead that fits for ^5.0. You can do it: $ composer require "stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle:^1.5.0" Cheers! ...
Hey Ahmed, Could you clarify what exactly "Doctrine extension Bundle"? Yes, StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle requires "gedmo/doctrine-extensions" package as the bundle is just a wrapper for that library that has integration with Symfony if you mean this. Cheers! ...
Hey Amin A. I believe you haven't installed the Doctrine migrations bundle. Once you install it you should not have this error anymore (unless I'm missing something :p) ``` composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev `` ...
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... introduced in nexylan/slack-bundle 2.2.1, which requires Symfony 4.2.12. This tutorial uses Symfony 4.0, so it won't be installed. 2) If you *are* running 4.2.12 or higher, you will get nexylan/slack-bundle 2.2.1 (or ...
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