1534 search results for symfony bundle

Symfony 3 Fundamentals Bundles Configuration Environments

... the future: Where do services come from? Installing an external bundle Configuring bundles Controller outside services Using config:dump-reference Understanding Symfony environments Create your own environment The prod environment and cache:clear The famous parameters.yml Where do routes come from? src/ versus app Ready, set, go!

11 videos
Logging and Adding other Tools

... composer require symfony/monolog-bundle: While we're waiting, Google for "symfony monologbundle". The first link is to its GitHub page, which basically just points you to read the official documentation on Symfony ...

Adding Routes Controllers

... can add routes, controllers, translations, public assets, validation config and a bunch more! Find your browser and Google for "Symfony bundle best practices". This is a really nice document that talks about how you're ...

Flex Recipes

... of the recipes that have been installed. And if you want more info about one, just run: composer recipes symfony/twig-bundle This is one of the recipes that was just executed. And ...

Finding and Instantiating the Controller

... inside FrameworkBundle. Open both of them. The one in FrameworkBundle extends the other. See BaseControllerResolver is the one that lives in the component: // vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle/FrameworkBundle ...


For our last trick, I want to introduce a bundle that's going to make our life awesome. And, for the first time, we are going to hook into Symfony. First, find your terminal, and install that bundle ...

The HTTP Client Service

... install "just" a PHP library, it gives you PHP classes, but it doesn't hook into Symfony to give you new services. What we just saw is a special trick that many of the Symfony components use. The main bundle in our app is ...

Upgrading to 2.2

... composer.json file, being sure to only replace the core Symfony libraries, and not any custom lines you may have added. In this case, the doctrine-fixtures-bundle is custom, so I’ll leave it alone: "require": { }, Also, be sure ...

Fixing the First Deprecations

... WebServerBundle. That's now deprecated... because the Symfony binary is shinier and more powerful. So this deprecation is easy to fix. Inside composer.json, find the symfony/web-server-bundle line: Copy it, go to your terminal and ...

CI with Travis CI

... definitely Travis CI. And if you go back to the "Best Practices" docs for bundles, near the top, Symfony has an example of a robust Travis configuration file! Awesome! Copy this entire thing, go back to the bundle, and ...

Publishing to Packagist

... Go to choosealicense.com and find the license that works best for you. Symfony is licensed MIT, and that's definitely the best practice. Whatever you choose, copy the license, find your bundle code, and at the root ...

Installing Bundles with Average Docs

... .. but Symfony Flex, at least added it to bundles.php for us. By the way, this is not necessarily a bad thing: sometimes a bundle doesn't really need a custom recipe! The second bundle did have a recipe. Before I started ...

Testing the Bundle

... bundle, the bundle itself needs to require PHPUnit. Go back to the terminal and run: composer require symfony/phpunit-bridge --dev Two important things. First, we're using Symfony's ...


... bundle? Very simply: bundles are Symfony plugins. They're PHP libraries with special integration with Symfony. And, the main reason that you add a bundle to your app is because bundles give you services! In fact, every ...

Customizing Error Pages and How Errors are Handled

... in Path”. Let’s look for the “An Error Occurred” text. Ah hah! It points us straight to a file in the core Twig bundle called error.html.twig. Let’s open that up! Tip The location of the file is: vendor/symfony/symfony ...

Configuring Bundles

In the show controller, we're using two services: MarkdownParserInterface - from a bundle we installed - and CacheInterface from Symfony itself: And... this was pretty easy: add an argument with the right type-hint ...

Configuring a Bundle

... Let's dump this markdown object: I want to know exactly what this object actually is: dump($markdown);die;: Refresh the article page! Ok, it's an instance of some Max object - probably from the bundle or some library ...

Adding a Cache Service

... caching is yet another tool that we need. If we had a service that was really good at caching a string and letting us fetch it out later, that would be perfect! Fortunately, Symfony comes with a bundle called ...


... thanks to the recipe system, when we install a new bundle, that bundle is automatically added to this file, which is how we already have 8 bundles here. When we started our project, we only had 1! So a bundle is a Symfony ...

Upgrading to Symfony 6.0

... ] requiring symfony/config ^3.4 || ^4.4 || ^5.1, but not Symfony 6. So what's happening here? It turns out that pagerfanta-bundle[v2.8.0] does not support Symfony 6. Gasp! Run composer ...
