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Serialization Tricks


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We've sort of tricked the system to allow a textDescription field when we send data. This is made possible thanks to our setTextDescription() method, which runs nl2br() on the description that's sent to our API. This means that the user sends a textDescription field when editing or creating a treasure... but they receive a description field when reading.

152 lines | src/Entity/DragonTreasure.php
// ... lines 1 - 34
class DragonTreasure
// ... lines 37 - 93
public function setTextDescription(string $description): self
$this->description = nl2br($description);
return $this;
// ... lines 101 - 150

And that's totally fine: you're allowed to have different input fields versus output fields. But it would be a bit cooler if, in this case, both were just called description.

SerializedName: Controlling the Field Name

So... can we control the name of a field? Absolutely! We do this, as you may have predicted, via another wonderful attribute. This one is called SerializedName. Pass it description:

168 lines | src/Entity/DragonTreasure.php
// ... lines 1 - 15
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\SerializedName;
// ... lines 17 - 35
class DragonTreasure
// ... lines 38 - 101
public function setTextDescription(string $description): self
$this->description = nl2br($description);
return $this;
// ... lines 110 - 166

This won't change how the field is read, but if we refresh the docs... and look at the PUT endpoint... yep! We can now send a field called description.

Constructor Arguments

What about constructor arguments in our entity? When we make a POST request, for example, we know it uses the setter methods to write the data onto the properties.

Now try this: find setName() and remove it. Then go to the constructor and add a string $name argument there instead. Below, say $this->name = $name.

162 lines | src/Entity/DragonTreasure.php
// ... lines 1 - 35
class DragonTreasure
// ... lines 38 - 67
public function __construct(string $name)
$this->name = $name;
$this->plunderedAt = new \DateTimeImmutable();
// ... lines 73 - 160

From an object-oriented perspective, the field can be passed when the object is created, but after that, it's read-only. Heck, if you wanted to get fancy, you could add readonly to the property.

Let's see what this looks like in our documentation. Open up the POST endpoint. It looks like we can still send a name field! Test by hitting "Try it out"... and let's add a Giant slinky we won from a real-life giant in... a rather tense poker match. It's pretty valuable, has a coolFactor of 8, and give it a description. Let's see what happens. Hit "Execute" and... it worked! And we can see in the response that the name was set. How is that possible?

Well, if you go down and look at the PUT endpoint, you'll see that it also advertises name here. But... go up find the id of the treasure we just created - its 4 for me, put 4 in here to edit... then send just the name field to change it. And... it didn't change! Yup, just like with our code, once a DragonTreasure is created, the name can't be changed.

But... how did the POST request set the name... if there's no setter? The answer is that the serializer is smart enough to set constructor arguments... if the argument name matches the property name. Yup, the fact that the arg is called name and the property is also called name is what makes this work.

Watch: change the argument to treasureName in both places:

162 lines | src/Entity/DragonTreasure.php
// ... lines 1 - 35
class DragonTreasure
// ... lines 38 - 67
public function __construct(string $treasureName)
$this->name = $treasureName;
$this->plunderedAt = new \DateTimeImmutable();
// ... lines 73 - 160

Now, spin over, refresh, and check out the POST endpoint. The field is gone. API Platform sees that we have a treasureName argument that could be sent, but since treasureName doesn't correspond to any property, that field doesn't have any serialization groups. So it's not used. I'll change that back to name:

162 lines | src/Entity/DragonTreasure.php
// ... lines 1 - 35
class DragonTreasure
// ... lines 38 - 67
public function __construct(string $name)
$this->name = $name;
$this->plunderedAt = new \DateTimeImmutable();
// ... lines 73 - 160

By using name, it looks at the name property, and reads its serialization groups.

Optional Vs Required Constructor Args

However, there is still one problem with constructor arguments that you should be aware of. Refresh the docs.

What would happen if our user doesn't pass a name at all? Hit "Execute" to find out. Ok! We get an error with a 400 status code... but it's not a very good error. It says:

Cannot create an instance of App\Entity\DragonTreasure from serialized data because its constructor requires parameter name to be present.

That's... actually too technical. What we really want is to allow validation to take care of this... and we'll talk about validation soon. But in order for validation to work, the serializer needs to be able to do its job: it needs to be able to instantiate the object:

162 lines | src/Entity/DragonTreasure.php
// ... lines 1 - 35
class DragonTreasure
// ... lines 38 - 67
public function __construct(string $name = null)
$this->name = $name;
$this->plunderedAt = new \DateTimeImmutable();
// ... lines 73 - 160

Ok, try this now... better! Ok, it's worse - a 500 error - but we'll fix that with validation in a few minutes. The point is: the serializer was able to create our object.

Next: To help us while we're developing, let's add a rich set of data fixtures. Then we'll play with a great feature that API Platform gives us for free: pagination