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The Failure Transport


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We now know that each message will be retried 3 times - which is configurable - and then, if handling it still fails, it will be "rejected"... which is a "queue" word for: it will be removed from the transport and lost forever.

That's... a bummer! Our last retry happened 14 seconds after our first... but if the handler is failing because a third-party server is temporarily down... then if that server is down for even just 30 seconds... the message will be lost forever! It would be better if we could retry it once the server was back up!

The answer to this is... the failure transport!

Hello Failure Transport

First, I'm going to uncomment a second transport. In general, you can have as many transports as you want. This one starts with doctrine://default. If you look at our .env file... hey! That's exactly what our MESSENGER_TRANSPORT_DSN environment variable is set to! Yep, both our async and new failed transports are using the doctrine transport and the default doctrine connection. But the second one also has this little ?queue_name=failed option. OooooOOOOooo.

20 lines | config/packages/messenger.yaml
// ... lines 3 - 5
// ... lines 7 - 12
failed: 'doctrine://default?queue_name=failed'
// ... lines 14 - 20

Go back to whatever you're using to inspect the database and check out the queue table:

DESCRIBE messenger_messages;

Ah. One of the columns in this table is called queue_name. This column allows us to create multiple transports that all store messages in the same table. Messenger knows which messages belong to which transport thanks to this value. All the messages sent to the failed transport will have a failed value... that could be anything - and messages sent to the async transport will use the default value... which is default.

Configuring Transports

By the way, each transport has a number of different connection options and there are two ways to pass them: either as query parameters like this or via an expanded format where you put the dsn on its own line and then add an options key with whatever you need below that.

What options can you put here? Each transport type - like doctrine or amqp - has its own set of options. Right now, they're not well-documented, but they are easy to find... if you know where to look. By convention, every transport type has a class called Connection. I'll press Shift+Shift in PhpStorm, search for Connection.php... and look for files. There they are! A Connection class for Amqp, Doctrine and Redis.

Open the one for Doctrine. All of these classes have documentation near the top that describe their options, in this case: queue_name, table_name and a few others, including auto_setup. Earlier, we saw that Doctrine will create the messenger_messages table automatically if it doesn't exist. If you don't want that to happen, you would set auto_setup to false.

The transport with the most options can be seen in the Amqp Connection class. We'll talk about Amqp later in the tutorial.

The failure_transport

Anyways, back to it! We now have a new transport called failed... which, despite its name, is the same as any other transport. If we wanted to, we could route message classes there and consume them, just like we're doing for async.

But... the purpose of this transport is different. Near the top, there's another key called failure_transport. Uncomment that and notice that this points to our new failed transport.

20 lines | config/packages/messenger.yaml
# Uncomment this (and the failed transport below) to send failed messages to this transport for later handling.
failure_transport: failed
// ... lines 5 - 20

What does it do? Let's see it in action! First, go restart our worker:

php bin/console messenger:consume -vv

Woh! This time, it asks us which "receiver" - which basically means which "transport" - we want to consume. A worker can read from one or many transports - something we'll talk about later with "prioritized" transports. Let's consume just the async transport - we'll handle messages from the failed transport in a different way. And actually, to make life easier, we can pass async as an argument so that it won't ask us which transport to use each time:

php bin/console messenger:consume -vv async

Now... let's upload some images! Then... over here... pretty quickly, all 4 of those exhaust their retries and are eventually rejected from the transport. Until now, that meant that they were gone forever. But this time... that did not happen. Before removing the message from the queue, it says:

Rejected message AddPonkaToImage will be sent to the failure transport "failed"

And then... "Sending message". So, it was removed from the async transport, but it still exists because it was sent to the "failed" transport.

How can we see what messages have failed and try them again if we think those failure were temporary? With a couple of shiny, new console commands. Let's talk about those next.