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The Lifecycle of a Message & its Stamps


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Forget about asynchronous messages and external transports and all that stuff. Open up ImagePostController. As a reminder, when you dispatch a message, you actually dispatch an Envelope object, which is a simple "wrapper" that contains the message itself and may also contain some stamps... which add extra info.

If you dispatch the message object directly, the message bus creates an Envelope for you and puts your message inside. The point is, internally, Messenger is always working with an Envelope. And when you call $messageBus->dispatch(), it also returns an Envelope: the final Envelope after Messenger has done all its work.

Let's see what that looks like: dump() that whole $messageBus->dispatch() line. Now, move over and upload a photo. Once that's done, find that request on the web debug toolbar... and open the profiler.

107 lines | src/Controller/ImagePostController.php
// ... lines 1 - 25
class ImagePostController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 28 - 42
public function create(Request $request, ValidatorInterface $validator, PhotoFileManager $photoManager, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, MessageBusInterface $messageBus)
// ... lines 45 - 71
// ... lines 73 - 76
// ... lines 78 - 105

The Envelope & Stamps after Dispatching

Perfect! You can see that the final Envelope has the original message object inside: AddPonkaToImage. But this Envelope now has more stamps on it.

Quick review time! When we dispatch a message into the message bus, it goes through a collection of middleware... and each middleware can add extra stamps to the envelope. If you expand stamps in the dump, wow! There are now 5 stamps! The first two - DelayStamp and AmqpStamp - are no mystery. We added those manually when we originally dispatched the message. The last one - SentStamp - is a stamp that's added by the SendMessageMiddleware. Because we've configured this message to be routed to the async_priority_high transport, the SendMessageMiddleware sends the message to RabbitMQ and then adds this SentStamp. This is a signal - to anyone who cares - us, or other middleware - that this message was in fact "sent" to a transport. Actually, it's thanks to this stamp that the next middleware that executes - HandleMessageMiddleware - knows that it should not handle this message right now. It sees that SentStamp, realizes the message was sent to a transport and so, does nothing. It will be handled later.

BusNameStamp: How the Worker Dispatches to the Correct Bus

But what about this BusNameStamp? Let's open up that class. Huh, BusNameStamp literally contains... the name of the bus that the message was dispatched into. If you look in messenger.yaml, at the top, we have three buses: command.bus, event.bus and query.bus. Ok, but what's the point of BusNameStamp? I mean, we dispatched the message through the command bus... so why is it important that the message has a stamp on it that says this?

The answer is all about what happens when a worker consumes this message. The process looks like this. First, the messenger:consume command - that's the "worker" - reads a message off of a queue. Second, that transport's serializer turns that into an Envelope object with a message object inside - like our LogEmoji object. Finally, the worker dispatches that Envelope back into the message bus! Yea, internally, something calls $messageBus->dispatch($envelope)!

Wait... but if we have multiple message buses... how does the worker know which message bus it should dispatch the Envelope into? Whelp! That is the purpose of this BusNameStamp. Messenger adds this stamp so that when the worker receives this message, it can use the stamp to dispatch the message into the correct bus.

Right now, in our serializer, we're not adding any stamps to the Envelope. Because the stamp doesn't exist, the worker uses the default_bus, which is the command.bus. So, in this case... it guessed correctly! This message is a command.

The UniqueIdStamp

The last stamp that was added was this UniqueIdStamp. This is something that we created... and it's added via a custom middleware: AuditMiddleware. Whenever a message is dispatched, this middleware makes sure that every Envelope has exactly one UniqueIdStamp. Then, anyone can use the unique id string on that stamp to track this exact message through the whole process.

Wait... so if this is normally added when we originally dispatch a message... should we manually add the stamp inside of our serializer so that the Envelope has one?

Look at it this way: a normal message that's sent from our app would already have this stamp by the time it's published to RabbitMQ. When a worker receives it, it'll be there.

But... in this case, as you can clearly see, after receiving the external message, we are not adding that stamp. So, is that something we should add here so this "acts" like other messages?

Great question! The answer is... no! Check out the log messages: you can already see some messages with this 5d7bc string. That is the unique id. Our message does have a UniqueIdStamp!

How? Remember, after our serializer returns the Envelope, the worker dispatches it back through the bus. And so, our AuditMiddleware is called, it adds that stamp and then logs some messages about it.

The Big Takeaways

To back up a bit, there are two big points I'm trying to make. First, when a message is read and handled via a worker, it is dispatched through the message bus and all the normal middleware are executed. For a message that is both sent from our app and handled by our app, it will go through the middleware two times.

The second important point is that when you consume a message that was put there from an external system, that message might be missing some stamps that a normal message would have. And, for the most part, that's probably fine! The DelayStamp and AmqpStamp are irrelevant because those both tell the transport how to send the message.

Adding the BusNameStamp

But... the BusNameStamp is one that you might want to add. Sure, Messenger used the correct bus in this case by accident, but we can be more explicit!

Head into ExternalJsonMessengerSerializer. Change this to $envelope = new Envelope() and, at the bottom, return $envelope. Add the stamp with $envelope = $envelope->with() - this is how you add a stamp - new BusNameStamp().

Then... hmm... because our transport & serializer only handle this one message... and because this one message is a command, we'll want to put the command bus here. Copy the command.bus bus name and paste. I'll add a comment that says that this is technically only needed if you need the message to be sent through a non-default bus.

// ... lines 1 - 7
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\BusNameStamp;
// ... lines 9 - 10
class ExternalJsonMessageSerializer implements SerializerInterface
public function decode(array $encodedEnvelope): Envelope
// ... lines 15 - 26
$envelope = new Envelope($message, $stamps);
// needed only if you need this to be sent through the non-default bus
$envelope = $envelope->with(new BusNameStamp('command.bus'));
return $envelope;
// ... lines 33 - 61

Next, our serializer is great, but we didn't code very defensively. What would happen if the message contained invalid JSON... or was missing the emoji field? Would our app fail gracefully... or explode?