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Message, Handler & the Bus


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Messenger is what's known as a "Message Bus"... which is kind of a generic tool that can be used to do a couple of different, but similar design patterns. For example... Messenger can be used as a "Command bus", a "Query bus", an "Event bus" or... a "School bus". Oh... wait... that last one was never implemented... ok, it can be used for the first three. Anyways, if these terms mean absolutely nothing to you... great! We'll talk about what all of this means along the way.

Command Bus Pattern

Most people will use Messenger as a "command bus"... which is sort of a design pattern. Here's the idea. Right now, we're doing all of our work in the controller. Well, ok, we've organized things into services, but our controller calls those methods directly. It's nicely-organized, but it's still basically procedural: you can read the code from top to bottom.

With a command bus, you separate what you want to happen - called a "command" - from the code that does that work. Imagine you're working as a waiter or waitress at a restaurant and someone wants a pizza margherita... with extra fresh basil! Mmm. Do you... run back to the kitchen and cook it yourself? Probably not... Instead, you write down the order. But... let's say instead, you write down a "command": cook a pizza, margherita style with extra fresh basil. Next, you "send" that command to the kitchen. And finally, some chef does all the magic to get that pizza ready. Meanwhile, you're able to take more orders and send more "commands" back to the kitchen.

This is a command bus: you create a simple, informational command "cook a pizza", give it to some central "system"... which is given that fancy word "bus", and it makes sure that something sees that command and "handles" it... in this case, a "chef" cooks the pizza. And that central "bus" is probably smart enough to have different people "handle" different commands: the chef cooks the pizza, but the bar tender prepares the drink orders.

Creating the Command Class

Let's recreate that same idea... in code! The "command" we want to issue is: add Ponka to this image. In Messenger, each command is a simple PHP class. In the src/ directory, create a new Message/ directory. We can put our command, or "message", classes anywhere... but this is a nice way to organize things. Create a new PHP class called AddPonkaToImage... because that describes the intent of what we want to happen: we want someone to add ponka to the image. Inside... for now... do nothing.

8 lines | src/Message/AddPonkaToImage.php
// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace App\Message;
class AddPonkaToImage

A message class is your code: it can look however you want. More on that later.

Creating the Handler Class

Command, done! Step 2 is to create the "handler" class - the code that will actually add Ponka to an image. Once again, this class can live anywhere, but let's create a new MessageHandler/ directory to keep things organized. The handler class can also be called anything... but unless you love being confused... call it AddPonkaToImageHandler.

// ... lines 1 - 2
namespace App\MessageHandler;
// ... lines 4 - 5
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageHandlerInterface;
class AddPonkaToImageHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
// ... lines 10 - 13

Unlike the message, the handler class does have a few rules. First, a handler class must implement MessageHandlerInterface... which is actually empty. It's a "marker" interface. We'll talk about why this is needed in a bit. And second, the class must have a public function called __invoke() with a single argument that is type-hinted with the message class. So, AddPonkaToImage, then any argument name: $addPonkaToImage. Inside, hmm, just to see how this all works, let's dump($addPonkaToImage).

// ... lines 1 - 4
use App\Message\AddPonkaToImage;
// ... lines 6 - 7
class AddPonkaToImageHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
public function __invoke(AddPonkaToImage $addPonkaToImage)

Connecting the Message and Handler

Ok, let's back up. On a high level, here's how this is going to work. In our code, we'll create an AddPonkaToImage object and tell messenger - the message bus - to "handle" it. Messenger will see our AddPonkaToImage object, go get the AddPonkaToImageHandler service, call its __invoke() method and pass it the AddPonkaToImage object. That's... all there is to it!

But wait... how does messenger know that the AddPonkaToImage object should be "handled" by AddPonkaToImageHandler? Like, if we had multiple command and handler classes, how would it know which handler handles which message?

Find your terminal and run:

php bin/console debug:messenger

This is an awesome command: it shows us a map of which handler will be called for each message. We only have 1 right now, but... yea, somehow it already knows that AddPonkaToImage should be handled by AddPonkaToImageHandler. How?

It knows thanks to two things. First, that empty MessageHandlerInterface is a "flag" that tells Symfony that this is a messenger "handler". And second, Messenger looks for a method called __invoke() and reads the type-hint on its argument to know which message class this should handle. So, AddPonkaToImage.

And yes, you can totally configure all of this in a different way, and even skip adding the interface by using a tag. We'll talk about some of this later... but it's usually not something you need to worry about.

Oh, and if you're not familiar with the __invoke() method, ignoring Messenger for a minute, that's a magic method you can put on any PHP class to make it "executable": you can take an object and call it like a function... if it has this method:

$handler = new AddPonkaToImageHandler();

That detail is not important at all to understand Messenger, but it explains why this, otherwise "strange" method name was chosen.

Dispatching the Message

Phew! Status check: we have a message class, we have a handler class, and thanks to some smartness from Symfony, Messenger knows these are linked together. The last thing we need to do is... actually send the command, or "message", to the bus!

Head over to ImagePostController. This is the endpoint that uploads our image and adds Ponka to it. Fetch the message bus by adding a new argument with the MessageBusInterface type-hint.

111 lines | src/Controller/ImagePostController.php
// ... lines 1 - 15
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;
// ... lines 17 - 21
class ImagePostController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 24 - 38
public function create(Request $request, ValidatorInterface $validator, PhotoFileManager $photoManager, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, PhotoPonkaficator $ponkaficator, MessageBusInterface $messageBus)
// ... lines 41 - 77
// ... lines 79 - 109

Then... right above all the Ponka image code - we'll leave all of that there for the moment - say $message = new AddPonkaToImage(). And then $messageBus->dispatch($message).

111 lines | src/Controller/ImagePostController.php
// ... lines 1 - 5
use App\Message\AddPonkaToImage;
// ... lines 7 - 21
class ImagePostController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 24 - 38
public function create(Request $request, ValidatorInterface $validator, PhotoFileManager $photoManager, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, PhotoPonkaficator $ponkaficator, MessageBusInterface $messageBus)
// ... lines 41 - 60
$message = new AddPonkaToImage();
* Start Ponkafication!
// ... lines 67 - 77
// ... lines 79 - 109

That's it! dispatch() is the only method on that object... it doesn't get any more complicated than this.

So... let's try it! If everything works, this AddPonkaToImage object should be passed to __invoke() and then we'll dump it. Since this will all happen on an AJAX request, we'll use a trick in the profiler to see if it worked.

Head back and refresh the page... just to be safe. Upload a new photo and... when it finishes, down on the web debug toolbar, hover over the arrow icon to find... nice! Here is that AJAX request. I'll hold Command and click the link to open it in a new tab. This is the profiler for that AJAX request. Click the "Debug" link on the left.

Ha! There it is! This shows us that our dump() code was executed during the AJAX request! It worked! We pass the message to the message bus and then it calls the handler.

Of course... our handler doesn't do anything yet. Next, let's move all of the Ponkafication logic from our controller into the handler.