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Deployment & Supervisor


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So... how does all of this work on production? It's a simple problem really: on production, we somehow need to make sure that this command - messenger:consume - is always running. Like, always.

Some hosting platforms - like SymfonyCloud - allow you to do this with some simple configuration. You basically say:

Yo Cloud provider thingy! Please make sure that bin/console messenger:consume is always running. If it quits for some reason, start a new one.

If you're not using a hosting platform like that, it's ok - but you will need to do a little bit of work to get that same result. And actually, it's not just that we need a way to make sure that someone starts this command and then it runs forever. We actually don't want the command to run forever. No matter how well you write your PHP code, PHP just isn't meant to be ran forever - eventually your memory footprint will increase too much and the process will die. And... that's perfect! We don't want our process to run forever. Nope: what we really want is for messenger:consume to run, handle... a few messages... then close itself. Then, we'll use a different tool to make sure that each time the process disappears, it gets restarted.

Hello Supervisor

The tool that does that is called supervisor. After you install it, you give it a command that you always want running and it stays up all night constantly eating pizza and watching to make sure that command is running. The moment it stops running, for any reason, it puts down the pizza and it restarts the command.

So let's see how Supervisor works and how we can use it to make sure our worker is always running. Because I'm using a Mac, I already installed Supervisor via Brew. If you're using Ubuntu, you can install it via apt. By the way, you don't actually need to install & configure Supervisor on your local machine: you only need it on production. We're installing it so we can test and make sure everything works.

Supervisor Configuration

To get it going, we need a supervisor configuration file. Google for "Messenger Symfony" and open the main documentation. In the middle... there's a spot that talks about supervisor. Copy the configuration file. We could put this anywhere: it doesn't need to live in our project. But, I like to keep it in my repo so I can store it in git. In... how about config/, create a new file called messenger-worker.ini and paste the code inside.

command=php /path/to/your/app/bin/console messenger:consume async --time-limit=3600

The file tells Supervisor which command to run and other important info like which user it should run the process as and the number of processes to run. This will create two worker processes. The more workers you run, the more messages can be handled at once. But also, the more memory & CPU you'll need.

Now, locally, I don't need to run supervisor... because we can just manually run messenger:consume. But to make sure this all works, we're going to pretend like my computer is production and change the path to point to use my local path: /Users/weaverryan/messenger... which if I double-check in my terminal... oop - I forgot the Sites/ part. Then, down here, I'll change the user to be weaverryan. Again, you would normally set this to your production values.

Oh, and if you look closely at the command, it's running messenger:consume async. Make sure to also consume async_priority_high. The command also has a --time-limit=3600 option. We'll talk more about this and some other options in a bit, but this is great: it tells the worker to run for 60 minutes and then exit, to make sure it doesn't get too old and take up too much memory. As soon as it exits, Supervisor will restart it.

Running Supervisor

Now that we have our config file, we need to make sure Supervisor can see it. Each Supervisor install has a main configuration file. On a Mac where it's installed via Brew, that file is located at /usr/local/etc/supervisord.ini. On Ubuntu, it should be /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf.

Then, somewhere in your config file, you'll find an include section with a files line. This means that Supervisor is looking in this directory to find configuration files - like ours - that will tell it what to do.

To get our configuration file into that directory, we can create a symlink: ln -s ~/Sites/messenger/config/messenger-worker.ini then paste the directory.

ln -s ~/Sites/messenger/config/messenger-worker.ini /usr/local/etc/supervisor.d/

Ok! Supervisor should now be able to see our config file. To run supervisor, we'll use something called supervisorctl. Because I'm on a Mac, I also need to pass a -c option and point to the configuration file we were just looking at. If you're on Ubuntu, you shouldn't need to do this - it'll know where to look already. Then say reread: that tells Supervisor to reread the config files:

supervisorctl -c /usr/local/etc/supervisord.ini reread

By the way, you may need to run this command with sudo. If you do, no big deal: it will execute the processes themselves as the user in your config file.

Cool! It sees the new messager-consume group. That names comes from the key at the top of our file. Next, run the update command... which would restart any processes with the new config... if they were already running... but our's aren't yet:

supervisorctl -c /usr/local/etc/supervisord.ini update

To start them, run start messenger-consume:*:

supervisorctl -c /usr/local/etc/supervisord.ini start messenger-consume:*

That last argument - messenger-consume:* isn't very obvious. When you create a "program" called messenger-consume, this creates what's called a "homogeneous process group". Because we have processes=2, this group will run two processes. By saying messenger-consume:* it tells Supervisor to start all processes inside that group.

When we run it... it doesn't say anything... but... our worker commands should now be running! Let's go stop our manual worker so that only the ones from Supervisor are running. Now,

tail -f var/log/messenger.log

This will make it really obvious whether or not our messages are being handled by those workers. Now, upload a few photos, delete a couple of items, move over and... yea! It's working! It's actually working almost twice as fast as normal because we have twice the workers.

And, now we can have some fun. First, we can see the process id's created by Supervisor by running:

ps -A | grep messenger:consume


You can also use ps aux, which will work on more operating systems.

There they are: 19915 and 19916. Let's kill one of those:

kill 19915

And run that again:

ps -A | grep messenger:consume

Yes! 19916 is still there but because we killed the other one, supervisor started a new process for it: 19995. Supervisor rocks.

Next, let's talk more about the options we can use to purposely make workers exit before they take up too much memory. We'll also talk about how to restart workers on deploy so that they see the new code and a little detail about how things can break if you update your message class.