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Handling Messages Sync while Developing


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I love the ability to defer work for later by sending messages to a transport. But, there is at least one practical bummer: it makes it a bit harder to actually develop and code your app. In addition to setting up your web server, database and anything else, you now need to remember to run:

php bin/console messenger:consume

Otherwse... things won't fully work. If you have a robust setup for local development - maybe something using Docker - you could build this right into that setup so that it runs automatically. Except... you'd still need to remember to restart the worker any time you make a change to some code that it uses.

It's not the worst thing ever. But, if this drives you crazy, there is a really nice solution: tell Messenger to handle all of your messages synchronously when you're in the dev environment.

Hello "sync" Transport

Check out config/packages/messenger.yaml. One of the commented-out parts of this file is a, kind of, "suggested" transport called sync. The really important part isn't the name sync but the DSN: sync://. We learned earlier that Messenger supports several different types of transport like Doctrine, redis and AMQP. And the way you choose which one you want is the beginning of the connection string, like doctrine://. The sync transport is really neat: instead of truly sending each message to an external queue... it just handles them immediately. They're handled synchronously.

Making the Transports sync

We can take advantage of this and use a configuration trick to change our async and async_priority_high transports to use the sync:// transport only when we're in the dev environment.

Go into the config/packages/dev directory. Any files here are only loaded in the dev environment and override all values from the main config/packages directory. Create a new file called messenger.yaml... though the name of this file isn't important. Inside, we'll put the same configuration we have in our main file: framework, messenger, transports. Then override async and set it to sync://. Do the same for async_priority_high: set it to sync://.

async: 'sync://'
async_priority_high: 'sync://'

That's it! In the dev environment, these values will override the dsn values from the main file. And, we can see this: in an open terminal tab, run:

php bin/console debug:config framework messenger

This command shows you the real, final config under framework and messenger. And... yea! Because we're currently in the dev environment, both transports have a dsn set to sync://.

I do want to mention that the queue_name option is something that's specific to Doctrine. The sync transport doesn't use that, and so, it ignores it. It's possible that in a future version of Symfony, this would throw an error because we're using an undefined option for this transport. If that happens, we would just need to change the YAML format to set the dsn key - like we do in the main messenger.yaml file - and then override the options key and set it to an empty array. I'm mentioning that just in case.

Ok, let's try this! Refresh the page to be safe. Oh, and before we upload something, go back to the terminal where our worker is running, hit Control+C to stop it, and restart it. Woh! It's busted!

You cannot receive messages from the sync transport.

Messenger is saying:

Yo! Um... the SyncTransport isn't a real queue you can read from... so stop trying to do it!

It's right... and this is exactly what we wanted: we wanted to be able to have our handlers called in the dev environment without needing to worry about running this command.

Ok, now let's try it: upload a couple of photos and... yea... it's super slow again. But Ponka is added when it finishes. The messages are being handled synchronously.

To make sure this is only happening for the dev environment, open up the .env file and change APP_ENV to be prod temporarily. Make sure to clear your cache so this works:

php bin/console cache:clear

Now, we should be able to run messenger:consume like before:

php bin/console messenger:consume -vv async_priority_high async

And... we can! Sync messages in dev, async in prod.

Now that we've accomplished this, change APP_ENV back to dev and, just to keep things more interesting for the tutorial, comment out the new sync config we just added: I want to continue using our real transports while we're coding. Stop and restart the worker:

# transports:
# async: 'sync://'
# async_priority_high: 'sync://'

Now that we're back in the dev environment, stop and restart the worker:

php bin/console messenger:consume -vv async_priority_high async

Next: let's talk about a similar problem: how do you handle transports when writing automated tests?