1536 search results for symfony bundle

Mercure Pushing Stream Updates Async

... web server to push information to a browser without us needing to make an Ajax call to ask for it. And fortunately, in the Symfony world, we have great support for a technology that enables server-sent events: Mercure ...

Plugin System with Tags

... system. This is how Twig Extensions, Event Subscribers, Voters, and many other parts of Symfony work. So... how do we hook this all up? Well, if your bundle will only need to support Symfony 3.4 or higher, there's a ...

Hey Michael! Yes, you *can* rely on the bundle names like this! Internally, when you pass `DoctrineCacheBundle`, Symfony looks for a Configuration file in that bundle, which provides the config information. And if you ...
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... not known`` ``` here's my .env file content: ``` ###> symfony/framework-bundle ### APP_ENV=dev APP_SECRET=8650ba188bbf625cfea2df9a79ae6d61 ###< symfony/framework-bundle ### ###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ...
... can require that dependency by yourself, just follow this steps 1) run `composer require symfony/web-server-bundle "3.3.*" --dev` 2) Add this line `$bundles[] = new Symfony\Bundle\WebServerBundle\WebServerBundle ...
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Hey @Vishal! Great question! There is currently no way to generate a bundle using a command in Symfony 4. There is some discussion about this https://github.com/symfony/maker-bundle/issues/87 - but it is not currently ...
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... /tautvydas/PhpstormProjects/Lesson_3/vendor/symfony/framework-bundle/Console/Application.php:116 Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application->find() at /Users/tautvydas/PhpstormProjects/Lesson_3/vendor/symfony ...
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Hey Julien, Thanks for sharing this workaround, it might be helpful! Though, Symfony Flex should register the bundle automatically nevertheless any changes in the recipe. Might it be so that you disallowed the Symfony ...
... Argument 2 passed to Symfony\Bundle\MakerBundle\Validator::validateDoctrineFieldName() must be an instance of Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ManagerRegistry, instance of ...
Hey FranksPress If I understood correctly, your custom bundle is not being automatically installed by Symfony Flex. If that's the case, then you just need to mark your bundle as a Symfony bundle. Check the related docs here: https://symfony.com/doc/master/bundles/best_practices.html#installation Cheers! ...
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... just require it and then add back the new Symfony\Bundle\AsseticBundle\AsseticBundle() line: ``` composer require symfony/assetic-bundle ``` Cheers!
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Hey Dennis, Yes, that's because we use MakerBundle v.1.0.2 in the code, but "make:migration" command was added in v1.1, see https://github.com/symfony/maker-bundle/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#11 . If you need this command ...
40 lines | bin/console
#!/usr/bin/env php
use App\Kernel;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Console\Application;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\ArgvInput;
use Symfony\Component\Debug\Debug;
use Symfony\Component\Dotenv\Dotenv;
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
if (!class_exists(Application::class)) {
throw new \RuntimeException('You need to add "symfony/framework-bundle" as a Composer dependency.');
// ... lines 17 - 40
See Code Block in Script
... ": "^5.5", "symfony/asset": "4.4.*", "symfony/console": "4.4.*", "symfony/debug-bundle": "4.4.*", "symfony/dotenv": "4.4.*", "symfony/flex": "^1.3.1", "symfony/framework ...
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Hi Virginie, Really? I could find this course by "Symfony Bundle" keyword, see https://knpuniversity.com/search?q=symfony+bundle . I wonder what keywords you searched for. Well, yes, Symfony 4 is bundle-less, but it ...
Hey websafe, Just skip that bundle :) In the earlier versions of Symfony that was a standard bundle in case you wanted to use PHP annotations/attributes, but now it's part of the core packages, i.e. use `Symfony ...
... \symfony-bundle\vendor\symfony\web-server-bundle/Resources/router.php' (include_path='C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: Unknown: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0 ...
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Managing Flex extra.symfony.require Version Constraints

... Interesting: some packages - like symfony/form or symfony/framework-bundle are set to ^4.0 - which more or less means 4.*. But the symfony/mailer version is 4.3.*. There are two things I need to say about this. First ...

I get this when I try to clear the cache `PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ClassNotFoundException: Attempted to load class "SensioGeneratorBundle" from namespace "Sensio\Bundle ...
Ronaldo G.
Ronaldo G.
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Hello I am running `composer require encore` and get errors due to dependencies' lock. I run `composer require encore --with-all-dependencies` and still I get an error: `Problem 1 - symfony/webpack-encore-bundle ...
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