585 search results for Turbo

Hey |mention:15156| That's unexpected. I believe your site is running so fast that Turbo finishes loading before your `waitFor()` call. IIRC the second argument of that method is the amount of milliseconds it should ...
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... merge https://github.com/symfony/ux/pull/1230 - but I'm planning to do it entirely with Turbo frames > Can’t wait to see this training, it’s going to be great! Me too!
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Hey @Sameone! You're totally right! In the video, I had forgotten to add a `target="_top"` to the `turbo-frame`, which forces all links inside to behave like normal links. We DO have a note about this in the video ...
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... other mistake - the account is obviously not created, but no error is shown. There is no message what went wrong. I figured out the problem occurs only when Turbo is enabled. Any idea how to fix it? Best!
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... behaviour (something like you mention like data-turbo="restore"), but this suits our needs :) Thanks a lot for your help!!!
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... this wouldn't trigger a rerendering of the HTML and testing proves that's true. Is there an elegant solution to this or would disabling turbo/hotwire on the form be the better approach?
He Ryan, How do you get this to work with easyadmin. I have installed the @symfony/ux-turbo and added it to the easy admin dashboard with the configureAssets like so: ``` public function configureAssets(): Assets ...
Hey Ryan. I solved it by using turbo frames. It works like a charm now and I can put it everywhere I want to :D. I created a route for the contact form and a partial I can include in my sitebuilding. In the partial I ...
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Hey @Jay Gee! Thanks for the post! I think Turbo Streams (and frames) are still so new that there are undoubtedly better ways to do certain things - I was pushing things pretty far, but mostly thinking of the "best ...
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... pretty similar on this tutorial. You could put a turbo-frame around the entire "comments" area... which has the advantage that only that area updates when a new comment is added. But I'm guessing there is more to your question - so I will let you elaborate :). Cheers!
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Hey Nick F. ! Yes, I recorded this in an early beta version, and there we a bunch of nice little features added after. Not needing to "work around Turbo limitations" is a great thing in general. I'm going to check into ...
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... tutorials. I can totally see, why you decided to use that hotwire ecosystem. I can't wait for the turbo one. Good job Ryan! Thanks for your efforts.
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Hey Michael S.! Absolutely! I was very sad to see the 2 maintainers leave :/. That being said, the community is huge, the projects using Stimulus & Turbo are huge - so we'll find a path forward. The technology is just ...
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149 lines | templates/main/homepage.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 27
{% block body %}
<div class="flex">
// ... lines 30 - 36
<section class="flex-1 ml-10">
action="{{ path('app_homepage') }}"
class="mb-6 flex justify-between"
<div class="w-1/3 flex">
value="{{ app.request.query.get('query') }}"
aria-label="Search voyages"
placeholder="Search voyages"
class="px-4 py-2 rounded bg-gray-800 text-white placeholder-gray-400"
// ... lines 57 - 59
// ... lines 61 - 145
{% endblock %}
See Code Block in Script
14 lines | config/bundles.php
return [
Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\TwigBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Twig\Extra\TwigExtraBundle\TwigExtraBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Symfony\Bundle\WebProfilerBundle\WebProfilerBundle::class => ['dev' => true, 'test' => true],
Symfony\Bundle\MonologBundle\MonologBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Symfony\Bundle\DebugBundle\DebugBundle::class => ['dev' => true],
Symfony\WebpackEncoreBundle\WebpackEncoreBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Symfony\UX\Turbo\TurboBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Knp\Bundle\TimeBundle\KnpTimeBundle::class => ['all' => true],
See Code Block in Script
The Request Object

... fancy JavaScript. But we're going to keep it simple by adding a button that posts a form. Well this will actually be fancier than it sounds. In the first tutorial, we installed the Turbo JavaScript library. So even though ...

Testing Part 2 Functional Testing

... which Turbo does when it's loading. Then it waits for it to go away: Try the test now: Then... pop open the screenshot. Woh! It is now waiting for the Ajax call to finish. But remember: we're also using view ...

Hey |mention:56475| , It depends on your needs, the project, and your knowledge. We do recommend Stimulus/Turbo as it's a straightforward tool with a nice Symfony integration. This is just ideal if you have a server ...
... My page then contains two Turbo Frames, which I also want to mention, the second column on my page contains the frame where a form is added to the page, but it doesn't listen to it until a page refresh. When you change the form in the second column, it updates the first column with the another Turbo Frame.
... & Turbo. So even if I created a TwigComponent (because maybe I want something to be reusable, or provide its own variables), if I need some interactivity (like submitting a form via Ajax), I might just use Turbo & Stimulus for ...
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