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Adding a Custom Request Header Based on the Frame

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Okay, so if we don't want to cheat and use the internal restore action with a Turbo visit, how else can we solve our problem? Well, there's really only one option. Let me reopen my network tools. Right now, when we successfully submit into a <turbo-frame>, like this modal, the frame follows the redirect, meaning it makes a request to the redirected URL. Then we navigate to that same URL, which causes a second request to it. Somehow, we need to avoid having these two requests.

So if we can't force Turbo to directly use the response from this first Ajax call, because we don't want to use the internal restore action, then our only choice is to somehow prevent that first Ajax call from happening at all. But since the JavaScript fetch() function always follows redirects, the only real way to do this is to make Symfony not return a real redirect after a successful form submit.

So here's the idea... it's kind of crazy. In Symfony, we're going to detect if a request is being sent via a turbo-frame and if that frame has the data-turbo-form-redirect attribute. If both of these are true and if the Response from the controller is a redirect, we will change the Response to... not be a redirect! We'll return a normal 200 status code but store the URL that we want to redirect to as header on the response. Then, we'll prevent Turbo from rendering that response, like we already are, read the URL from the header, navigate with Turbo and voilà! We redirect the page without the duplicate request.

Sending data-turbo-form-redirect to the Server

So where do we start? Turbo already adds a Turbo-Frame header to any Ajax request that happen inside a frame. We can see this, for example, down on the POST request. All the way near the bottom... there it is: turbo-frame: product-info. We can read that in Symfony.

But what we can't yet read in Symfony is whether or not this frame has the data-turbo-form-redirect attribute. To make that possible, let's hook into Turbo and add that information as a new request header.

In turbo-helper.js, we need to listen to another event. Head up to the constructor()... and say document.. Actually, cheat. Steal the event listener code from below... and change the event to turbo:before-fetch-request.

Remember: Turbo dispatches this event right before it makes any Ajax request. Inside, call a new method - this.beforeFetchRequest() - and pass the event.

Copy that method name, head down to the methods... and add that with the event argument. Inside, console.log(event) so we can see what it looks like.

134 lines | assets/turbo/turbo-helper.js
// ... lines 1 - 3
const TurboHelper = class {
constructor() {
// ... lines 6 - 17
document.addEventListener('turbo:before-fetch-request', (event) => {
// ... lines 21 - 26
// ... lines 28 - 106
beforeFetchRequest(event) {
// ... lines 111 - 130
// ... lines 132 - 134

Back at our browser, refresh. This logs every time Turbo makes an Ajax request, like when we navigate... or a frame loads. This is from the weather frame. And I think if we go down to the bottom... yep! It fires again when the second weather frame loads.

Head over to the cart page, clear the console, then add an item to the cart. Ooh, the event triggered three times. One was for the submit, one for the navigation to the next page and the last was for the weather widget that loaded on this page.

Detecting if the Frame Request has data-turbo-form-redirect

Check out the first log, which is from the POST request when we submit the form into the frame. Ah, event.detail has a fetchOptions key! This is the collection of options that are about to be passed to the fetch() function. And it has a headers key with Turbo-Frame inside.

That's no surprise... but we can use that in JavaScript to figure out if this frame has the special data-turbo-form-redirect attribute.

Check it out: say const frameId = and read that header: event.detail.fetchOptions.headers... and we're looking Turbo-Frame. We need to use square brackets instead of . because the key has a dash in it.

Now, if there is not a frameId, then this request is not happening inside a frame. In that case, do nothing.

But if we do have a frameId, we can use that to find this element: const frame = document.querySelector()... and then use ticks so we can look for # then ${frameId}.

Yep, we're literally finding that <turbo-frame> element on the page! If we can't find the frame for some reason - which shouldn't happen - or if the frame does not have the dataset of turboFormRedirect, then do nothing. Whoops - make sure that's turboFormRedirect.

Go back to the cart page and inspect element on the frame. As a reminder, this does have the data-turbo-form-redirect="true" attribute. That's what we're looking for.

At this point, we know that the request is happening in a frame and that the frame does have the data-turbo-form-redirect attribute. And so, we're going to add a new header. Use event.detail.fetchOptions.headers again to invent a new header called, how about, Turbo-Frame-Redirect. Set it to 1.

145 lines | assets/turbo/turbo-helper.js
// ... lines 1 - 107
beforeFetchRequest(event) {
const frameId = event.detail.fetchOptions.headers['Turbo-Frame'];
if (!frameId) {
const frame = document.querySelector(`#${frameId}`);
if (!frame || !frame.dataset.turboFormRedirect) {
event.detail.fetchOptions.headers['Turbo-Frame-Redirect'] = 1;
// ... lines 122 - 145

Cool! Let's go check it! At your browser, any normal request - even a request inside a frame like for the weather widget - will not have the new header. Check the weather frame request. All the way down... yep! It does have a turbo-frame header... but not turbo-frame-redirect.

But now go back to the cart and clear the requests. Submit the form... scroll up to that request... and scroll down. There it is! turbo-frame-redirect! We can now detect - from Symfony - when a request is going through this type of a frame. Oh yes, we're dangerous.

Next, let's turn to the Symfony side of things where we'll use this header to magically transform redirect responses into something that we can better handle in JavaScript.