1534 search results for symfony bundle

Recipe Upgrades Part 2

... environment. You can load it in test environment, but it tends to slow things down, so it's been removed by default. Easy! Commit those changes... and keep going! Next up is symfony/monolog-bundle. This one does have a conflict ...

Routing The URLs of the World

... routing.yml, so it should be there. Surprise! It's not here. But there is an event entry that was added when we generated the bundle: The resource key works like a PHP include: point it at another routing file Symfony ...

Upgrade to Symfony 4.0

... the releases. Oof! No releases for a long, long time. This means that Symfony 4 support was added, but there is not yet a release that contains that code. Honestly, by the time you're watching this, the bundle probably ...

Upgrading KnpPaginatorBundle PHP Platform Version

... click on "Releases". Woh! The latest version is 5.0! And it says: Added support for Symfony 5 That's what we want! So, to get a version of this library that works with Symfony 5, we need to upgrade to 5.0 of the bundle ...

Updating security translation validator Recipes

The composer recipes command tells us that we only have three more main Symfony recipes to update. Let's get to it! The next one is for security-bundle. Update it: composer ...

Starting in Symfony2 Course 3 2.4

Welcome back for part 3 of our Starting in Symfony2 series! In part 3 of this series, we're going to discover even more about Symfony and begin to learn more about how Symfony really works under the hood. Over the next ...

29 videos
Bootstrapping the Bundle Autoloading

Heeeeey Symfony peeps! I'm excited! Because we're going to dive deep in to a super interesting topic: how to create your own bundles. This is useful if you need to share code between your own projects. Or if you want to ...

The Twig Recipe

... open that: config/bundles.php. A "bundle" is a Symfony plugin. Pretty commonly, when you want to add a new feature to your app, you'll install a bundle. And when you install a bundle, you need to enable it in your ...

Upgrading/Migrating from StofDoctrineExtensions

... - that's the version we're using... and it's 2 years old! This is an example of a bundle that, at least at the time of this recording, does not yet support Symfony 5. So... what do we do? Panic! Ahhhh. Now that we've ...

All about the Bundle Extension Config System

... if a user of our bundle wants more sunshine or - gasp - they don't believe in unicorns? Right now, there's no way for them to control these arguments. So if the bundle is responsible for registering the services ...

Doctrine Extensions Timestampable

... that already does that. So let's get it installed. At your terminal, run: composer require stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle This installs a small bundle, which is a wrapper around a ...

More about Container the doctrine Service and the Entity Manager

... >getDoctrine()->getManager(); The getDoctrine() method lives inside Symfony’s Controller class, which we’re extending. Let’s open up that class to see what this method does: // vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bundle ...

Goodbye SensioFrameworkExtraBundle

... bundle didn't like it. But hey, that's fine! All those nifty features found a new home in the core of Symfony. So it's time to say a fond farewell to SensioFrameworkExtraBundle. At your terminal run ...

Fix Deprecation Warnings from Bundles

... third warning: The Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Reference::isStrict method is deprecated since version 2.8 Look closely at the LoggerChannelPass: that's coming from MonologBundle. That's the first outside bundle ...

Config.yml Control Center for Services

Ok, I get it: I bring in a bundle and it gives me more useful objects. But, there must be a way for us to configure and control how these services behave, right? Otherwise, how could we control what server the mailer ...

Bundle Config to Control Bundle Services

... objects, how can we control them? Introducing: bundle configuration! Go check out the config/packages/ directory. This has a number of different YAML files, all of which are loaded automatically by Symfony when it first ...

5 Minutes Ago Strings

... "Symfony ago". As we know, the main thing that a bundle gives us is more services. In this case, the bundle gives us one main service that provides a Twig filter called ago. It's pretty awesome. Back in the template, add ...


... use the Internet. But even though Stimulus is a JavaScript library... Symfony has a bundle to help us load it, get it set up, and use it. So, find your terminal and run: composer ...


... individual component and bundle also has its own CHANGELOG. To see what’s new in the HttpFoundation component, look right inside of it. That’s it! Symfony 2.2 is a great new release with more features and minor backwards ...

Upgrading to Symfony 3.3

... server:run Ahhh! There are no commands defined in the "server" namespace What happened to server:run? Well actually, Symfony is becoming more and more decoupled. That command now lives in its own bundle. Open app/AppKernel.php ...
