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Entity Broadcast

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There's one super cool feature of the Turbo Mercure UX package that we installed earlier that we have not talked about. And it's this: the ability to publish a Mercure update automatically whenever an entity is created, updated or removed. It's a powerful idea.

For example, instead of publishing this update from inside of our controller, what if we published this update whenever a review is added to the system, regardless of how or where it's added? Or what if we could publish a Mercure update whenever a review is changed... like if we changed a review in an admin area, that review would automatically re-render on anyone's page that was currently viewing it!

The Broadcast Attribute/Annotation

That is totally possible. Go into the entity where you want to activate this behavior. For us that's src/Entity/Review.php. Above the class, add @Broadcast.

111 lines | src/Entity/Review.php
// ... line 2
namespace App\Entity;
// ... lines 4 - 9
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass=ReviewRepository::class)
* @Broadcast()
class Review
// ... lines 16 - 109

If you're using PHP 8, you can also use Broadcast as an attribute. Next, open templates/products/_reviews.html.twig. This is where we originally used turbo_stream_listen() to listen to the product-reviews Mercure topic.

Copy that and, temporarily, also listen to a topic called App\Entity\Review. We need the double slashes to avoid escaping problems. Oh, and not reviews, just Review: the name of the class.

36 lines | templates/product/_reviews.html.twig
<div {{ turbo_stream_listen('product-reviews') }}></div>
<div {{ turbo_stream_listen('App\\Entity\\Review') }}></div>
// ... lines 3 - 36

Okay: whenever a Review is created, change or removed, an update will be sent to the App\Entity\Review topic on our Mercure hub. And now we're listening to that topic.

If this doesn't all make sense yet, don't worry: we're missing one important piece. To find out what it is, let's fearlessly forge ahead and try this! Refresh the page and check out the network tools. Let's see... here it is! We're listening to a new stream URL. Open this in a new tab. Like with the other topic, our browser spins and waits for updates.

The Broadcast Template

Ok! Try to submit a new Review. And oh! A 500 error. Open the profiler for that request to see what happened:

Unable to find template broadcast/Review.stream.html.twig.

Okay. So here's the whole flow that we activated by adding the @Broadcast annotation above the entity. First, we create, change or remove a Review from the database. Second, the Turbo Mercure library notices this and tries to render a template called Review.stream.html.twig. We will create this in a moment. And third, whatever this template renders is published to Mercure... in a specific way.

Let's go create that template. In the templates directory, add the broadcast directory... and inside, the new file: Review.stream.html.twig.

These "broadcast" templates always look the same, and I'm going to paste in a skeleton to show you. It's... kind of a cool use of blocks. If a Review is created, the content in the create block is sent to Mercure. If a Review is updated, the update block is used. And if we delete a Review, the contents of the remove block are published to Mercure as an update.

{% block create %}
{% endblock %}
{% block update %}
{% endblock %}
{% block remove %}
{% endblock %}

We can see this immediately. Close the profiler tab, refresh this page... and add another review. When we submit, nothing looks different here yet. But check out the tab that's listening to Mercure. Yes! There it is! This published an update and passed the contents from our create block as that update's data!

Publishing turbo-stream Updates

Now we're dangerous. Go into the original reviews.stream.html.twig template, copy both streams and paste them into our create block.

{% block create %}
<turbo-stream action="update" target="product-{{ product.id }}-quick-stats">
{{ include('product/_quickStats.html.twig') }}
<turbo-stream action="append" target="product-{{ product.id }}-review-list">
{{ include('product/_review.html.twig', {
review: newReview,
isNew: true
}) }}
{% endblock %}
// ... lines 17 - 25

Boom, done! We can now completely delete reviews.stream.html.twig. And inside of ProductController, we don't need to dispatch this update at all anymore. It will happen automatically when we create the Review. So I'll delete the Update, the $mercureHub argument... and if you want to get really crazy, you can clean up the unused use statements on top.

Finally, in _reviews.html.twig, we no longer need to listen to our original product-reviews topic.

The "entity" Variable

Testing time! go back, refresh... and publish a new review. Ah! Another 500 error? Let's check out what happened:

Variable product does not exist coming from Review.stream.html.twig.

Ah! So Apparently there is not a product variable that's passed to this template... which begs the question: what variables are passed to this template? When the Mercure Turbo library renders this template, it passes several variables. The most important - by far - is a variable called entity... which in this case will be set to the Review object. We can use that to fix our template.

So instead of product.id, we need entity.product.id. Do that in both places. And this template also needs a product variable... so pass that in set to entity.product. And down here, review is now entity.

{% block create %}
<turbo-stream action="update" target="product-{{ entity.product.id }}-quick-stats">
{{ include('product/_quickStats.html.twig', {
product: entity.product
}) }}
<turbo-stream action="append" target="product-{{ entity.product.id }}-review-list">
{{ include('product/_review.html.twig', {
review: entity,
isNew: true
}) }}
{% endblock %}
// ... lines 19 - 27

Hopefully that's everything. Close the error, refresh the page... and add a new review. If all goes well, this will have the same behavior as before. Submit. We got it! The new review loaded onto the page thanks to the stream! The quick stats area also updated. In the other tab, yup! The new review streamed here too!

The big difference now is that the stream update will be published no matter how a review was created.

Next, let's also instantly update every user's page whenever a review is changed or removed. I'll show you a review admin area that's been hiding on our site where we can watch this in real time.