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Turbo Stream for Instant Review Update

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When we submit a new review, we update two different parts of the page. First, the review list and review form. And second, the quick stats area up here.

Over in ProductController, in the reviews action, we do this by returning a turbo stream: reviews.stream.html.twig is responsible for updating both spots.

Cool, but remember that the reviews list and review form live inside of a turbo frame. And so, before we started messing around and doing crazy stuff with Turbo Streams, we updated that section simply by returning a redirect to the reviews page on success. The Turbo Frame followed that redirect, grabbed the matching <turbo-frame> from that page and updated it here.

Unfortunately... as soon as we wanted to also update the quick stats area, we had to change completely to rely on turbo streams. The problem is that we can't return a turbo stream and a redirect from the controller.... so we chose to return a stream... which means that the stream needs to update both sections of the page.

Returning a Redirect And Publishing a Stream

Okay. So why are we talking about all of this again? Because now that we have Mercure running, we can, in a sense, return two things from our controller. Check it out: copy this dummy Mercure update code, remove it... and paste it down in the success area.

We're updating the product-reviews stream, which is the stream that we're listening to thanks to our code in _reviews.html.twig. Back in the controller, instead of returning a stream, copy the render line, delete that section, paste inside the update... and fix the formatting. Oh, also change this to renderView(): render() returns a Response object... but all we need is the string from this template. That's what renderView() gives us.

124 lines | src/Controller/ProductController.php
// ... lines 1 - 20
class ProductController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 23 - 71
* @Route("/product/{id}/reviews", name="app_product_reviews")
public function productReviews(Product $product, CategoryRepository $categoryRepository, Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, HubInterface $mercureHub)
// ... lines 77 - 82
if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
if ($reviewForm->isSubmitted() && $reviewForm->isValid()) {
$update = new Update(
$this->renderView('product/reviews.stream.html.twig', [
'product' => $product,
$this->addFlash('review_success', 'Thanks for your review! I like you!');
return $this->redirectToRoute('app_product_reviews', [
'id' => $product->getId(),
// ... lines 107 - 113
// ... lines 115 - 122

Thanks to this, our controller will now redirect like it did before... but it will also publish a stream to Mercure along the way.

Let's try it. Refresh the page... and scroll all the way down to the bottom. I want to trigger the weather widget Ajax call just so that we can cleanly see what happens with the network requests when we submit. Clear out the Ajax requests... then add a new review.

Cool! It looks like that worked! Check out the network requests. The first is the POST form submit. This returned a redirect, the frame system followed that redirect, found the frame on the next page, and updated this area. The normal Turbo Frames behavior. Then our stream caused the quick stats area to update... and it also re-updated the reviews area... because, right now, our stream template is still updating both things.

Only Streaming the Quick Stats

So probably we could stop streaming the _reviews.html.twig template... since the turbo-frame is taking care of that part of the page. We only need to focus on updating the quick stats.

<turbo-stream action="update" target="product-quick-stats">
{{ include('product/_quickStats.html.twig') }}

Let's try this again. Right now we have 16 reviews. Head down and add the 17th. Ah! Silly validation! Type a bit more and submit. Yes! It still works! The behavior is slightly different than before: it renders a new review form... because that's what's rendered inside the <turbo-frame> on the redirected page. And... up above, the quick stats area did update.

So this is a really pure example of a turbo-stream in action. Inside of our ProductController, we can just redirect like normal, which powers the turbo-frame. Then, the minute that we realize that we need to update a different part of the page - something outside of the frame - we can do that through Mercure.

Updating the Page of Every User

But this is even cooler than it looks at first. In reviews.stream.html.twig, temporarily put back the product-review stream.

<turbo-stream action="update" target="product-quick-stats">
{{ include('product/_quickStats.html.twig') }}
<turbo-stream action="replace" target="product-review">
{{ include('product/_reviews.html.twig') }}

Back at your browser, copy the URL and open this page in a second tab. Make sure both pages are refreshed. Ok: both show 17 reviews. In the original tab, scroll down and submit review number 18. It does show up here: no surprises.

Now check out the other tab. The quick stats also update here! And, down below, yup! There's review number 18! That's amazing! Sure, I'm sitting on one computer with two tabs open. But if two people - on opposite sides of the planet - were both viewing this page at the same time, the same thing would happen. When we post a new review, everyone's page is updated!

This opens up a new possibility for turbo streams. We already know that we can use streams to update any part of our page, like something that's outside of the frame that we're currently working in. But we can also use streams to update any part of any user's page... so that when a user in Belgium adds a new review, a different user in Japan - who was already on that page - will instantly see it.

Making Update Ids Specific to the Product

But now, in the second tab, navigate to a different product. Back in the first, post review number 19. When I submit, this, of course, works. But check out the second tab. Woh! This product should not have 19 reviews... and all of these reviews are for the other product, not this one! Refresh. Yup! This product has way less reviews. Our stream update is affecting every product page!

And... this makes sense. If you're on a product page - any product page - then you're listening to the product-reviews Mercure topic. When we publish an update, we target the product-quick-stats and product-review elements... both of which exist on every product page!

Fortunately, this is simple to fix. In _reviews.html.twig, we need to make sure that every element that we target with a turbo stream has a dynamic part in it so that it's specific to that product. In the id attribute, change it to product-{{ product.id }}-review.

43 lines | templates/product/_reviews.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 2
<turbo-frame id="product-{{ product.id }}-review">
// ... lines 4 - 41

In reviews.stream.html.twig, do the same thing so they match. Repeat this for the quick stats, which lives in show.html.twig... here it is. Add {{ product.id }} inside the id. Copy that... and in the stream template, add it here too.

49 lines | templates/product/show.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 32
<div id="product-{{ product.id }}-quick-stats">
// ... line 34
// ... lines 36 - 49

12 lines | templates/product/reviews.stream.html.twig
<turbo-stream action="update" target="product-{{ product.id }}-quick-stats">
// ... lines 2 - 4
// ... line 6
<turbo-stream action="replace" target="product-{{ product.id }}-review">
// ... lines 8 - 10

Perfect. If two users are viewing two different products, they will still both be listening to the same Mercure topic. When a review is posted to the first product, the second user will receive the update... but they won't have any elements matching those ids on their page. So, it will do nothing.

Click to post another review. Ah! That killed the frame! Of course: we just changed the id of the frame... so we need to refresh. Post one more review. It shows up here... but it did not affect the other page.

Ok: thanks to the new system, we can simplify our turbo stream even more to deliver exactly the updates we want to every user. That's next.