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Adding a "Read More" Ajax Frame

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On the cart page, let's make this feature product sidebar a bit more useful by adding the product's description. Except... we probably don't want to add the whole description because it's kind of long. So we'll just show a preview.

Using & Installing twig/string-extra

Head over to templates/cart/_featuredSidebar.html.twig and, down here, right before the cart controls, add {{ featuredProduct.description }}. To show only part of the description, pipe this to a special |u filter and say .truncate(25). I'm also going to add |trim on the end.

24 lines | templates/cart/_featuredSidebar.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 10
<div class="pt-3">
<h6 class="d-flex justify-content-between mb-3">
<strong>{{ featuredProduct.name }}</strong>
{{ featuredProduct.priceString|format_currency('USD') }}
{{ featuredProduct.description|u.truncate(25)|trim }}...
{{ include('product/_cart_add_controls.html.twig') }}
// ... lines 22 - 24

This u filter comes from a Twig extension library, which... we don't actually have installed yet. But, pff, let's try it anyways. When we refresh.... nothing happens! But down on the web debug toolbar, you can see that an Ajax call failed!

So... we all know that - despite our awesomeness - errors happen. When you work with turbo frames, these errors are harder to see since everything happens in a background Ajax call. To see it, you can go to the network tab, find the request, right click and hit "open in new tab". There it is. Or you can go use the web debug toolbar to open the profiler for that request... which opens straight to the exception.

Either way, once we can see the error, it's really clear! It says run composer require twig/string-extra. Ok! Copy that, find your terminal and paste:

composer require twig/string-extra

Once this finishes... move back over, close the profiler, refresh and nice! Wait, hmm... I meant to put a little ... at the end of the shortened description. And... yea: that looks better.

But now, let's make this way cooler by adding a "read more" link after the description that, on click, will show the entire description. We're going to do that with zero JavaScript thanks to Turbo frames.

But before we implement that, head over to src/Controller/CartController.php. On _cartFeaturedProduct(), I'm going to re-add the route that we had earlier: @Route("/cart/_featured", name="_app_cart_product_featured").

116 lines | src/Controller/CartController.php
// ... lines 1 - 30
* @Route("/cart/_featured", name="_app_cart_product_featured")
public function _cartFeaturedProduct(ProductRepository $productRepository): Response
// ... lines 36 - 116

Copy the route name then, over in the cart template - so cart.html.twig - instead of using the fragment_uri() function, go back to using {{ path() }} and then _app_cart_product_featured.

32 lines | templates/cart/cart.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 10
<aside class="col-12 col-md-4 order-2 order-md-1">
<turbo-frame id="cart-sidebar" src="{{ path('_app_cart_product_featured') }}" target="_top">
// ... lines 16 - 32

Doing this is totally unnecessary to accomplish our new goal. The reason I'm doing this is because, in a few minutes, it'll make it easier to play with the frame's URL.

Setting up the Target Endpoint

Now let's get to work. Back over in CartController, here's the idea: if someone requests this URL - but with a ?description=1 on the end of that URL - then we'll render the full description. Otherwise, we'll render the truncated description like we are now.

To do that, add a Request argument - the one from HttpFoundation - and then pass a new variable into the template called showDescription set to $request->query->get('description').

117 lines | src/Controller/CartController.php
// ... lines 1 - 30
* @Route("/cart/_featured", name="_app_cart_product_featured")
public function _cartFeaturedProduct(ProductRepository $productRepository, Request $request): Response
$featuredProduct = $productRepository->findFeatured();
$addToCartForm = $this->createForm(AddItemToCartFormType::class, null, [
'product' => $featuredProduct,
return $this->renderForm('cart/_featuredSidebar.html.twig', [
'featuredProduct' => $featuredProduct,
'addToCartForm' => $addToCartForm,
'showDescription' => $request->query->get('description'),
// ... lines 47 - 117

Next, in _featuredSidebar.html.twig, if showDescription, then render the full description: featuredProduct.description. Else, render the preview.

Now here's the big question: how do we create that "read more" link? Remember that we're inside of a turbo-frame... and one of the properties of a turbo frame is that navigation stays inside that frame. So if we create a link to a page, or page partial, that renders this frame, Turbo will handle all the heavy lifting of making the Ajax request, finding the frame and putting its content right here.

In other words, all we need to do is create a boring, normal link to {{ path() }} _app_cart_product_featured with description: true.

Hmm... PhpStorm is confused, so I'll delete and re-add this quote to reset the highlighting. Inside the link, say "(read more)".

32 lines | templates/cart/_featuredSidebar.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 16
{% if showDescription %}
{{ featuredProduct.description }}
{% else %}
{{ featuredProduct.description|u.truncate(25)|trim }}...
<a href="{{ path('_app_cart_product_featured', {
description: true,
}) }}">(read more)</a>
{% endif %}
// ... lines 28 - 32

Done... or done-ish. If we refresh the page... we have a link! But when we click it... the whole page navigates as if we were not in a turbo frame! Click back.

This happened because, in cart.html.twig, our turbo frame has target="_top". That makes it behave, kind of not like a frame: all link clicks and form submits apply to the whole page. But we now want this one link - this read more link - to "yes" behave like a normal turbo frame: we want it to keep its navigation inside the frame.

32 lines | templates/cart/cart.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 11
<turbo-frame id="cart-sidebar" src="{{ path('_app_cart_product_featured') }}" target="_top">
// ... lines 15 - 32

To override the target="_top", find the link in _featuredSidebar. Let's put this onto multiple lines. Add data-turbo-frame="" and then the name of our frame: cart-sidebar.

34 lines | templates/cart/_featuredSidebar.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 16
{% if showDescription %}
{{ featuredProduct.description }}
{% else %}
{{ featuredProduct.description|u.truncate(25)|trim }}...
href="{{ path('_app_cart_product_featured', {
description: true,
}) }}">(read more)</a>
{% endif %}
// ... lines 30 - 34

That's it! We also could have done the opposite... which in some ways would have been more natural. We could have left off the target="_top" - so that our entire frame behaves like normal - and then added data-turbo-frame="_top" to the link and form that should navigate the whole page.

Either way, the result would be the same. Refresh now... and click. Beautiful! Let's try that again. Oh, that's nice and simple: an Ajax system entirely powered by small changes in PHP and Twig only.

Manually Changing the src Attribute

Ooh, and now that this is working, I want to show you something cool. Inspect the turbo-frame. Notice that when you click a link, it changes the src= attribute to the new URL.

This is actually the way that turbo frames work. Each turbo frame watches its src attribute. When it changes, it notices that and makes an Ajax call to that new URL. In a normal situation, you click a link inside a frame, that changes the src attribute and that triggers the Ajax call.

But you can also change this by hand... it's kind of fun. Take out the ?description=1 and... cool! It made an Ajax request for the URL and rendered it! Our "read more" link is back! If we click that link, it makes another Ajax call and loads back.

That's a really neat, conceptual, thing to realize about turbo frames: they really do work like iframes.

Next: let's make this frame a little bit smoother by adding a loading animation between the time that we click the link and when the description actually renders.