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Smartly Updating Elements for all Users

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With the power to return a normal redirect from our controller and publish a Mercure update to modify any part of any user's page, we can now really clean up our review system. After a successful form submit, we redirect to a page that renders _reviews.html.twig... which includes the reviews list on top and also the review form down here. Then... we send this same thing to the user via the stream update. The only reason we're doing this is so that the review list updates for all users, not just the user that submitted the form.

So... you can see that there's some duplicated work going on. But worse, there's a bug! Copy the URL and open this same page in an incognito window. Notice that we are not logged in. Let's pretend that this tab represents a user in Argentina... and the other tab is a user in Ukraine.

Let's refresh and have our Ukrainian friend submit a new review... this will be review number 21. When we submit, it looks good here. On the other user's page, the review shows up... but oh! It also shows a success message! So when our Ukrainian user submitted a new review, our Argentinian friend suddenly saw a success message!

That's... ya know... not what we want. But I can already see the problem: in the turbo stream, we're sending the entire _reviews.html.twig template to all users... which includes the reviews list... but also the flash message and the form.

Splitting the Reviews Frame and Stream

No worries: we just need to be a bit more careful. The entire _reviews.html.twig template is surrounded by a <turbo-frame>. But we really only need the frame to surround the form... because we can update the reviews list via the stream.

Check it out: at the bottom of the reviews list, close that <turbo-frame>. Now, create a new <turbo-frame> with id="", how about, product-reviews-form. We don't need a closing tag... because we already have one.

46 lines | templates/product/_reviews.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 2
<turbo-frame id="product-{{ product.id }}-review">
// ... lines 4 - 13
<turbo-frame id="product-reviews-form">
// ... lines 19 - 44

Oh, and in this case, we don't need to make the id dynamic for each product because we're not going to update this with a Turbo Stream. So there's no risk of affecting the wrong page.

With just this change, the form now lives in a different frame. And so, if we were to refresh the page and submit the form... it now only affects this part of the page.

The next step is to make sure that our stream update sends back the list, not the list and the form. To do that, we need to isolate the list into its own template. Copy that turbo frame and, inside templates/product/, create a new file called, how about, _reviews_list.html.twig. Paste the frame here.

<turbo-frame id="product-{{ product.id }}-review">
{% for review in product.reviews %}
<div class="component-light my-3 p-3">
<p><i class="fas fa-user-circle me-2"></i>{{ review.owner.email }} <i class="fas fa-star ms-4"></i> {{ review.stars }}/5</p>
{{ review.content }}
{% else %}
<p>This product has not been reviewed yet!</p>
{% endfor %}

Back in the other template, include this.

35 lines | templates/product/_reviews.html.twig
<div {{ turbo_stream_listen('product-reviews') }}></div>
{{ include('product/_reviews_list.html.twig') }}
// ... lines 4 - 6
<turbo-frame id="product-reviews-form">
// ... lines 8 - 33

Nice. Oh, but in the new template, we don't actually need this to be a Turbo frame anymore. Change this to be a div. Think about it: we're not using any Turbo frame features with this... we just need an element that we can target from our turbo stream. A turbo-frame would have worked... it just wasn't necessary.

13 lines | templates/product/_reviews_list.html.twig
<div id="product-{{ product.id }}-review">
// ... lines 2 - 11

Anyways, stream this template instead: _reviews_list.html.twig.

Sweet! Testing time! Refresh both tabs... and let's post review number 22.

When I submit here... perfect! The review form area updated thanks to the frame. Then the stream took care of adding the review here and updating the quick stats area. In the other browser, the quick stats updated, we see the new review, but it did not mess with the form area.

Appending the New Review

Look back at reviews.stream.html.twig. Right now we're streaming and replacing the entire reviews list. That's probably fine... but because we know that a single new review was just added, we could, instead, send only the new review in the stream instead of everything. We don't have to do this, but let's try it.

First, over in _reviews.html.twig, on the id, I'm going to add a -list to the end. I'm doing this just to make its meaning more obvious: it's a list, not a single review. Repeat this in the stream template.

13 lines | templates/product/_reviews_list.html.twig
<div id="product-{{ product.id }}-review-list">
// ... lines 2 - 11

12 lines | templates/product/reviews.stream.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 6
<turbo-stream action="replace" target="product-{{ product.id }}-review-list">
{{ include('product/_reviews_list.html.twig') }}

Now over in _reviews_list.html.twig, copy the div for a single review and isolate it into its own template: _review.html.twig. Back in the list, include that.

<div class="component-light my-3 p-3">
<p><i class="fas fa-user-circle me-2"></i>{{ review.owner.email }} <i class="fas fa-star ms-4"></i> {{ review.stars }}/5</p>
{{ review.content }}

<div id="product-{{ product.id }}-review-list">
{% for review in product.reviews %}
{{ include('product/_review.html.twig') }}
{% else %}
<p>This product has not been reviewed yet!</p>
{% endfor %}

So no changes yet, just some reorganization. But now, in the stream, change the action to append... and include the single review template.

That's nice! In _review.html.twig, this needs a review variable. In ProductController... let's see: we're only passing a product variable right now. Also pass a newReview variable set to the review... which is $form->getData().

Back in the stream, pass in a review variable set to newReview.

125 lines | src/Controller/ProductController.php
// ... lines 1 - 20
class ProductController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 23 - 74
public function productReviews(Product $product, CategoryRepository $categoryRepository, Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, HubInterface $mercureHub)
// ... lines 77 - 91
$update = new Update(
$this->renderView('product/reviews.stream.html.twig', [
'product' => $product,
'newReview' => $reviewForm->getData(),
// ... lines 99 - 114
// ... lines 116 - 123

14 lines | templates/product/reviews.stream.html.twig
// ... lines 1 - 6
<turbo-stream action="append" target="product-{{ product.id }}-review-list">
{{ include('product/_review.html.twig', {
review: newReview,
}) }}

Let's try the whole flow. Refresh both tabs. We're filling in review number 23. Submit and... sweet! Three things just happened. First the form area updated thanks to the Turbo frame system. Second, the new review was appended to the list thanks to the stream. And finally, the quick stats area was updated also thanks to the stream.

Over in the incognito tab, it's almost the same. The reviews list has the new review and the quick stats area updated... all without affecting the form area.

Next: let's celebrate by visually highlighting the new review the moment it pops onto the page.