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Turbo Streams

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The third and final part of Turbo is Turbo Streams. These are fun!

Hello Streams

Turbo Streams are a way to return instructions on updating any element on the page. And there are two main use cases. First: you're submitting a form inside a frame and, on success, you want to update an element that lives outside of that frame. Second: you need a way to update something on your page asynchronously but without "polling" - where you make an Ajax call every few seconds to constantly check for updates. For example, if you were building a chat app where you want a new message to render as soon as the other person sends it, Turbo Streams can help.

Streams are another way to enhance your page. So they're an extra feature - like frames - that you can choose to add whenever you want to do something special.

For example, go to a product page and scroll down. See this review form? It lives in a frame and it works awesome. The frame surrounds both the form and the list of reviews above it... we can see that if we inspect the element.

This means that, when we submit, both the form and the review list updates. That gives us a fresh form and we see the new review. Awesome!

But scroll up to the product details where we show the number of reviews and the average review. These details did not update when we submitted the review. Watch: if I refresh the page, the 8 reviews... becomes 9.

This area lives outside of the product-review turbo frame. So we can't update it via the frame. But we can update it using Turbo Streams... because... that's their whole purpose! To update any element on the page from the server.

Creating & Returning our First Stream

Here's how it works. Step one: find the area on the page that you want to update and give it a unique ID. The template for this page lives in templates/product/show.html.twig. Let's see... here are the details. On the <div> around this, add, how about, id="product-quick-stats".

53 lines | templates/product/show.html.twig
{% extends 'product/productBase.html.twig' %}
{% block productBody %}
<turbo-frame id="product-info" target="_top" class="row pt-3 product-show">
// ... lines 5 - 31
<div class="p-3 mt-4 d-flex justify-content-between flex-wrap flex-lg-nowrap">
<div id="product-quick-stats">
<strong>{{ product.priceString|format_currency('USD') }}</strong>
<strong>{{ product.reviews|length }}</strong> Reviews
<strong>{{ product.averageStars }}/5</strong><i class="fas fa-star ms-2"></i>
{{ include('product/_cart_add_controls.html.twig') }}
// ... line 44
// ... lines 46 - 48
{{ include('product/_reviews.html.twig') }}
{% endblock %}

Now open Controller/ProductController.php and find the reviews action. This is the page that we submit to when we post a new review. Down here, instead of redirecting on success, let's do something different, let's render a new template.

I'll leave the old logic for now. But above this, return $this->render() to render a template called product/reviews.stream.html.twig. We don't need to pass any variables yet, but I'm going to pass an empty second argument because we do need to pass a third argument: a new TurboStreamResponse().


In symfony/ux-turbo 2.1 and higher, this code has changed. The TurboStreamResponse is no longer needed, but a setRequestFormat() call is:


return $this->render('product/reviews.stream.html.twig');

117 lines | src/Controller/ProductController.php
// ... lines 1 - 18
class ProductController extends AbstractController
// ... lines 21 - 69
* @Route("/product/{id}/reviews", name="app_product_reviews")
public function productReviews(Product $product, CategoryRepository $categoryRepository, Request $request, EntityManagerInterface $entityManager)
// ... lines 75 - 85
if ($reviewForm->isSubmitted() && $reviewForm->isValid()) {
// ... lines 87 - 89
return $this->render('product/reviews.stream.html.twig', [
], new TurboStreamResponse());
// ... lines 92 - 97
// ... lines 100 - 106
// ... lines 108 - 115

Okay first: see the .stream in the template name? Yep. That has no technical effect. It's just a naming convention because this template will have a special format. Second, by passing a TurboStreamResponse as the third argument, we're telling Symfony to render the template like normal, but to put the HTML into this response object instead of a normal response object. I'll show you what that does in a minute.

Alright: let's go create the template. In product/, create the file: reviews.stream.html.twig. These stream templates contain HTML, but... in a special format that describes the element on the page that you want to change, how you want to change it and the HTML to use.

It always starts with a <turbo-stream> element. This needs two attributes, the first is action="" set to, in this case, update. We'll talk more about this in a minute. The second is target="" set to the id of the element on the page that should be updated. I'll copy product-quick-stats and paste that here.

Inside of the <turbo-stream>, we always have a <template> element. This... doesn't really mean anything... you just always need it. Inside of that, put the HTML. Start by hardcoding something.

<turbo-stream action="update" target="product-quick-stats">
Will this <strong>really</strong> work???

Ok, let's see this in action! Find your browser, refresh and scroll down. Add a review and... submit!

Hmm. Nothing happened? It looks like the form is kind of stuck submitting. But scroll up to the quick stats area. Woh! There's our new HTML!

How a Turbo-Stream Works Under the Hood

This is a turbo stream in action. Check out the network tools and find the POST Ajax request for the form submit - this one on the bottom. As expected, when we submit the form, it now returns this special <turbo-stream> HTML. But check out the headers on the response. There it is: the response has a Content-Type header set to text/vnd.turbo-stream.html. That's important.

Here's the whole flow of what just happened. In our controller, we render the reviews.stream.html.twig template and put it into a special TurboStreamResponse. That response object causes a special Content-Type header to be set on the response: text/vnd.turbo-stream.html.

That's important because, as soon as we set up Turbo on our site, like the first thing we did at the very beginning of this tutorial, turbo added an event listener to the turbo:before-fetch-response event. In turbo-helper.js, we have our own listener for this event, which is dispatched after any Ajax call that Turbo makes has finished.

Anyways, the moment you install Turbo, it adds a listener to this event that looks at the response for every Ajax call and checks to see if the Content-Type starts with text/vnd.turbo-stream.html. If it does, instead of handling the response normally - like rendering it into the turbo-frame - the response is passed to the Turbo Stream system... which reads this and updates the product-quick-stats element.

But... that's all it did. The reviews frame, down here, did not update. We'll talk about that in a minute.

Other Stream "Actions"

In addition to the update action, there are a bunch of other actions that you can use to update the page. In the Turbo docs, go to the Reference section and select Streams. So you can append an element to the end of an existing element, prepend, replace an entire element, update the HTML inside an element, which is what we're doing, remove an element or even place an element before or after another element.

You can also target using a CSS selector - like a class name - instead of an id.

Next: let's improve our stream so that it updates the quick stats area with the real new information. And after submitting a new review, we still need the reviews area - the form and list - to update. We can also handle that inside the same stream.